Sonic Net All Access Social Distortion's Mike Ness, Marvelous 3, Pavement US CD 99-32 Radio Show

Promotional Radio Show. Radio broadcast only. 

See Photos for what you are buying. I will consider offers.

I got these 20+ years ago from a well known DJ of the times. They were normally played once and then put away. I got them and put them in my warehouse and I haven't looked at them since then. I'm now putting them on eBay for you to enjoy and purchase. These are guaranteed authentic. 

 Scott Neuman CEO Forevervinyl. 

Online on Ebay since 1996. See our reviews. One of the few sellers reviewed in Rolling Stone Magazine for selling rarer items. Also Oprah and Readers Digest. Recommend Appraiser by the Archive of Contemporary Music of NY.

Loc cd3-79