
This 9-piece high-quality set of brushes, manufactured by Michihamono are essential for your woodblock printing projects. This set of brushes includes 3 pieces of maru bake brushes, with bristles made from horsehair, for spreading pigments and paste uniformly on larger areas of woodblock. Different sizes of sosaku hake brushes are also included. It has bristles that are also made out of horsehair with its ends beautifully split, and they hold paint effectively. Used for spreading the paint evenly and accurately on smaller areas of woodblocks. The mizubake brush included is useful for moistening paper used in woodblock printing. Its bristles are made out of wool.

Approximate Dimensions & Product Data:

Maru Bake Brush x3: 60mm
Sosaku Hake Brush x2: 15mm
Sosaku Hake Brush x2: 20mm
Sosaku Hake Brush: 24mm
Mizubake (Japanese water brush): 125mm
Please note: After use, store with the bristles facing downward in a basket or well ventilated storage container. Keep out of the reach of children.