Uses SACRED symbols.

 Protector and clears all negativity. Karma safe. Brings Love

Power and protection. Grants wishes.

perfect for the LGBGTQ community

  Prince Raimar of the Emerald Mountains.

I am pleased to offer a most special and rare item - the legendary jinn ring. This ring is owned by our coven and is a powerful wish-granting jinn that is renowned for its ability to bring love and clear all negativity.

The ring is imbued with sacred symbols that enhance its power and protection, making it karma safe. It was conjured during the full moon of March 2023, and is suitable for novices and experienced individuals alike.

I must caution you, however, that the power of this ring is so great that it must not be worn on your finger. Instead, I provide a black recharging bag for you to carry the ring with you. Full instructions will also be provided to ensure that you can connect with the jinn easily.

If you are interested in this rare and precious item, please do not hesitate to email me for further details. And if you seek a certain type of entity, do not hesitate to message me, for our coven has numerous items available. May the blessings of the jinn be upon you!

Please email for details. 

If you are looking for a certain type of entity please message me as we have numerous items available.

Modern witchcraft is a rapidly growing industry, Our brand trulymagick is now a widely recognised brand and can be found far and wide.
