THE FIRST WORLD WAR - THE COMPLETE SERIES -  The first 3 DVDs - Universally acclaimed as one of the finest documentary series ever made about the Great War, Channel 4's The First World War is a powerful original and truly comprehensive account of the conflict.

It places the war in a truly global military context as never before, exploring many of the little known campaigns, battles and action as well as the better known conflict on the Western Front.

The series combines previously unseen footage from newly accessible archives in Central and Eastern Europe with exclusive film of many of the battlefields as they are today, studies of key participants and weaponry, and diary entries and letters home from soldiers, officers and commanders.

All ten episodes are included in this definitive DVD collection.

The First World War is based on the best-selling book by Professor Hew Strachan, Chichele Professor of the History of War at Oxford University and Visiting Professor at the University of Glasgow.

WWII TOP SECRET : DIEPPE - 1 DVD  -- On August 19, 1942 the Allies launched their first amphibious attack on mainland Europe at the small French port of Dieppe. At dawn, five thousand troops stormed the rocky beaches, but in the end, it was a disastrous failure with thousands of soldiers killed and taken prisoner.