Experience powerful and reliable computing with the Dell PowerEdge T320 Tower Server. Featuring an Intel Xeon processor, 16 GB RAM, and PERC H710, this server offers exceptional performance and storage capabilities. The T320 is designed for enterprise-level applications and is perfect for businesses that need a dependable and scalable server solution. With wired Ethernet connectivity and 2x495W PSU, this server is fully equipped to handle your networking needs. The Dell PowerEdge T320 is a solid choice for businesses that require a powerful and efficient server without compromising on reliability. The tower form factor makes it easy to manage and maintain, while the numerous features and capabilities ensure that your business is running at peak performance.

These servers were pulled from working environments and are 100% authentic. 

Does not Include Drive Caddies 

Dell PowerEdge T320

Intel Xeon E5-24300v2 @2.50GHz

16GB Ram

Perc H710 Raid Controller

Dual 495W Power Supplies


Includes Power Cords