Please Note: All prescription diets are specifically formulated to meet specific needs, ALWAYS check with your vet which diet is best suited to your pet before ordering.

ROYAL CANIN® Veterinary Health Nutrition Small Breed Adult Anallergenic Dry Dog Food is made with highly hydrolysed protein and purified starch for carbohydrates, with linoleic acid and a low allergenic potential. The production of this ROYAL CANIN® food is extremely careful to ensure no contact is made with other proteins or allergens.

This food is recommended for small breed adult dogs under 10kg with food allergies or intolerances.

These include:

  • Adverse Food Reactions (AFR) with dermatologic and/or gastrointestinal signs: food elimination trial - long-term management
  • Canine Atopic Dermatitis (CAD) associated with AFR +/- chronic pruritus
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)