Made and shipped from the US

GLOBAL  AND NATIONAL CONDITIONS ARE CHANGING DAILY. Natural or man-made hazards take place daily. Climate change, industrial accidents, earthquakes, landslides, tsunamis, floods, snow storms, wildfires, as well as pandemics. These factors will result in increased disasters  Take charge of your survival needs, the time to prepare is now, before the emergency. 
The ability to start a fire quickly isn't just convenient for camping and trekking: having the ability to start a fire in your car or emergency pack could save you and your family's life, especially when traveling anywhere in harsh weather during the fall or winter. With our hemp rope, you will have the ability to start a fire in any weather conditions, including snow, rain, or heavy wind.  No chemicals are used here, it's non-toxic and ignites instantly Use to start all kinds of fires, for wood stoves, campfires, fireplaces, barbecues, and more. Tin fits in your shirt or pants pockets. 
Made from natural hemp rope infused in soy wax for a clean, non-toxic burn. After fraying the end of the hemp rope, ignite with your Ferro rod, match, or lighter and you'll have a flame in seconds. Will burn in wind, rain, or snow.
Remember to always practice building a fire with your gear beforehand when you plan on using it in the woods. 
★You only have 3 hours in the extreme cold until hypothermia sets in. These hemp rope pieces guarantee you will have the ability to start a fire under any conditions.  Always have an emergency plan when you go into the woods. Practice makes perfect. Build confidence by learning how to make a fire under any conditions. 
(1) Tin with ranger band 3 5/16in x 2 9/16in x 15/16in. Ignites with Ferro Rod, match or lighter. just fluff up one end of the jute rope.
(35) Pieces Natural Fire Starting hemp rope infused in soy wax 2 1/2" long x 3/8" thick will start 70 fires, burn time 4-5 minutes for each piece, waterproof, waterproof will not blow out in the wind like a match or lighter.
(1)  Ferro rod Fire Starter 3" long, will last for thousands of strikes, waterproof emergency ignition.
(1) Multi-use Striker 3" long, concave serrated edged, bottle opener, hex wrench, ruler, extra sharp scraper. Will last a lifetime.
(20) Waterproof matches, lightweight, premium quality, reliable.
Thanks for looking.

Ships from the USA.
Fire Starter Hemp Rope 100% Natural Ferrocerium Rod Camping Gear Survival

Made and shipped from the US

GLOBAL  AND NATIONAL CONDITIONS ARE CHANGING DAILY. Natural or man-made hazards take place daily. Climate change, industrial accidents, earthquakes, landslides, tsunamis, floods, snow storms, wildfires, as well as pandemics. These factors will result in increased disasters  Take charge of your survival needs, the time to prepare is now, before the emergency. 
The ability to start a fire quickly isn't just convenient for camping and trekking: having the ability to start a fire in your car or emergency pack could save you and your family's life, especially when traveling anywhere in harsh weather during the fall or winter. With our hemp rope, you will have the ability to start a fire in any weather conditions, including snow, rain, or heavy wind.  No chemicals are used here, it's non-toxic and ignites instantly Use to start all kinds of fires, for wood stoves, campfires, fireplaces, barbecues, and more. Tin fits in your shirt or pants pockets. 
Made from natural hemp rope infused in soy wax for a clean, non-toxic burn. After fraying the end of the hemp rope, ignite with your Ferro rod, match, or lighter and you'll have a flame in seconds. Will burn in wind, rain, or snow.
Remember to always practice building a fire with your gear beforehand when you plan on using it in the woods. 
★You only have 3 hours in the extreme cold until hypothermia sets in. These hemp rope pieces guarantee you will have the ability to start a fire under any conditions.  Always have an emergency plan when you go into the woods. Practice makes perfect. Build confidence by learning how to make a fire under any conditions. 
(1) Tin with ranger band 3 5/16in x 2 9/16in x 15/16in. Ignites with Ferro Rod, match or lighter. just fluff up one end of the jute rope.
(35) Pieces Natural Fire Starting hemp rope infused in soy wax 2 1/2" long x 3/8" thick will start 70 fires, burn time 4-5 minutes for each piece, waterproof, waterproof will not blow out in the wind like a match or lighter.
(1)  Ferro rod Fire Starter 3" long, will last for thousands of strikes, waterproof emergency ignition.
(1) Multi-use Striker 3" long, concave serrated edged, bottle opener, hex wrench, ruler, extra sharp scraper. Will last a lifetime.
(20) Waterproof matches, lightweight, premium quality, reliable.
Thanks for looking.

Ships from the USA.

Kaeser Wilderness Supply since 1989

There is nothing difficult about preparing yourself or your family for survival. You have to get into a mind set. Know what your physical abilities are and a understanding of your own limitations. Once you know that, you have nothing to fear. Start your plan today.  
If you have any question please call or email me.
Steve Kaeser

Most orders shipped Fedex GROUND SHIPPING unless otherwise stated. Shipping cost includes, shipping charges, labor to process your order and packing materials. Each order is professionally packed to assure safe delivery. Transit time approximately 1-5 days (unless otherwise noted) excludes weekends and holidays, and may vary with package destination.

Most orders shipped within 1 business day after receipt of payment.

Products shipped to HI, AK, PR may incur extra costs. Listings with free shipping do not apply to HI, AK, PR or any APO, FPO; nor does it apply to US protectorates or international shipments. Shipments to Canada may be required to pay extra taxes and duties upon receipt.

Returns for refund or exchange are accepted within 30 days of the receipt of your order. Please notify us via email referencing your Ebay id, order number and date of purchase. Returns are processed within three business days of receipt of merchandise. We do not pay for return shipping. When returning merchandise please make sure you get a shipping reference number like a tracking number. Returned or exchanged merchandise must be in original condition otherwise a 20% restocking fee may apply. Cost of shipping is never refundable.
