All legendaries are $2! I have limited inventory but I will be constantly updating as I get more. Message me if you’re looking for something specific or shiny.

Shiny prices are $4!

If you have the mons registered then it’s only 20k stardust. If you don’t, then it’s either 1 Million or 30 day trade. I also offer stardust services for $1 more I can get you 1 Million in an hour and we can do the trade.

Let me know!

Current list:

- Zapdos

- Articuno

- Moltres

- Regigias

- Latias

- Latios

- Ho-Oh

- Thundurus

- Tornadus

- Landorus

- Uxie

- Azelf

- Mespirit

- Giritina

- Dialga normal and Origin

- Palkia normal and Origin

- Heatran

- Cresscelia

Will be getting all Sinnoh legends soon for sale!