
Insulan is a dietary supplement used to maintain proper carbohydrate metabolism.

Insulan supports:

- maintaining the proper level of glucose in the blood (white mulberry leaf extract and gymnemic acid contained in the gurmar leaf extract, chromium),

- proper functioning of the pancreatic cells (gymnemic acid contained in the extract of gurmar leaves),

- proper carbohydrate metabolism by maintaining an appropriate level of insulin in the blood (chromium, vitamin E and B vitamins).


Gurmar leaf extract and white mulberry leaf extract contain substances that inhibit the activity of enzymes responsible for the breakdown of carbohydrates in the body, which reduces glucose absorption and reduces blood sugar levels. In addition, gymnemic acid contained in the gurmar leaf extract supports the functioning of beta cells of the Langerhans islets of the pancreas, which are responsible for the synthesis of insulin that regulates the sugar level in the body. Chromium and B vitamins support the transformation of carbohydrates, and vitamin E contributes to the protection of cell components against oxidative stress, which causes e.g. inflammatory processes. In summary, the effect of INSULAN is to maintain a favorable level of insulin and glucose in the blood, which is important in the case of hyperglycaemia.

Directions for use:

1 film-coated tablet twice a day. The preparation should be taken before a meal, one tablet before breakfast and before dinner, and drink it with water.


2 tablets contain: gumar leaf extract 400 mg, white mulberry leaf extract 200 mg, vitamin E 12 mg, vitamin B6 2 mg, folic acid 400 mcg, chromium 200 mcg, vitamin B12 2.5 mcg.


Particular caution should be exercised in the case of people using insulin therapy or oral hypoglycemic drugs, as the components of the preparation may increase the hypoglycemic effect of concurrent drugs and it may be necessary to lower their dosage. People with impaired carbohydrate metabolism should monitor blood glucose levels while using the product and consult a physician.