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The kit is comprised of three different realms of belief:

These three sides of protection (Christian Religion, Wakan Tanka- American Indian, and Spiritualist) are said to guard against dark entities, attachments and negative spirits to keep you safe.

This is the kit you don’t think about, until you need it!

Most paranormal investigators carry some items of protection, and you should too!

This kit comes from Virginia City, Nevada, one of the top five haunted towns in America, as depicted in Ghost Adventures.

Included in the kit are:


1-Small Pocket Crucifix-

(design may vary)

Christians believe that the wearing of a cross offers protection from evil spirits and entities.

1-.5 ml *Holy Water-

(From Our Lady Of Lourdes- France)

Lourdes is a town in southwestern France, in the foothills of the Pyrenees mountains. It’s known for the Sanctuaires Notre-Dame de Lourdes, or the Domain, a major Catholic pilgrimage site. Each year, millions visit the Grotto of Massabielle (Grotto of the Apparitions) where, in 1858, the Virgin Mary is said to have appeared to a local woman. In the grotto, pilgrims can drink or bathe in water flowing from a spring.

1-5” Pure White Candle-

In Christianity the candle is commonly used in prayer and worship both for decoration and ambiance, and as a symbol that represents the protective light of God or, specifically, the light of Christ.

1 Candle Drip Protector


1-Palo Santo-

(South American holy stick for burning)

It’s wood from a tree called Bursera graveolens, nicknamed Palo Santo, that grows in South America. For centuries, Palo Santo, which translated means “holy wood,” has been burned as an energy cleanser. The ritual comes from Incan tradition that says the smoke from the wood, burned during spiritual ceremonies, is medicinal and protective.

1- Sage Stick-

Sage Smudging is a tradition common to the Indigenous peoples that involves burning sacred herbs such as sage to cleanse a space, object, or ourselves of negative energy and attachments.

1- Standard Book Of Matches


1- 5 ml White Salt-

Salt has been used in Shintoism, an ancient religion of Japan for centuries, and Buddhists have also used salt to repel evil. Even modern depictions of ghost stories rely on salt to ward off unwanted spirits.

1- 5 ml Black Salt-

Black Salt often appears in spells for spiritual protection of the home, body and mind; To fully charge, leave it outside under the full moon before use.

1- Small Obsidian Stone Amulet-

Black Obsidian Stone is a powerful cleanser of psychic smog created within your aura, and is a strong psychic protection stone. This stone has powerful metaphysical properties that will help to shield you against negativity. The energy of these stones may stimulate the gift of prophecy and may boost precognition.

____________________________________COMES IN A SMALL EASY TO CARRY BOX!________________________________

"Seller assumes no liability or responsibility due to any affliction, possession or entity attack.

No Guarantee Against Possession!

Buyer is responsible for hunting safely and carefully.

Never Ghost hunt alone or trespass on to unauthorized private property without WRITTEN permission"

*Holy water IS imported & authentic from Lourdes, France.

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