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147 Manuscripts, Letters & Documents

Names, Records, Historical, Genealogical and Biographical information


As primary source material, these Manuscripts, Letters & Documents are from the time period
of 1759 to 1774 and they are without a question the
most complete and impartial documentation

on the years leading up to the American Revolutionary War.


They provide a foundation for serious research into virtually every aspect of
what and how it led to the American Revolutionary War


This extensive collection of Manuscripts, Letters & Documents from before the American Revolutionary War Era provide a more accurate picture of this historical period of American History.


Unprecedented Record of The Pre-American Revolution War Era

An essential resource for Genealogists and American Revolutionary War History Enthusiasts

Now this amazing collection have been professionally compiled in high quality and preserved forever in file format on a DVD data disc.

This is without doubt an essential reference library for The American Revolutionary War history enthusiasts.


It is nearly impossible to find all these OLD & RARE documents in any form and if found they would cost a fortune!


Many of these OLD & RARE documents date back to the 1700s and all of their content is just as impressive today as it was then.

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The Complete List of the Documents

  1. A larum list under the Command of Capt. Martin Gay, by Gay, Martin (1769)
  2. A letterbook as Governor of Newfoundland, by Byron, John (1769)
  3. A prayer, by Hopkins, Samuel (17--)
  4. Account of excise 1764 to 1765, by Fletcher, Thomas (1765)
  5. Account sales of six bundles of whale fins, received by the Argo, Captain John Bryant from Boston, by Hayley, George (1772)
  6. Agreement between Soldiers and officers about rules for town militia, by Upton, Mass. Militia; Baker, Thomas (1773)
  7. Bill to Edward Blanchard and Ebenezer Hancock for cooper's tools, by Raniford, Mr; Blanchard, Edward (1767)
  8. Bill to Edward Blanchard and Ebenezer Hancock for the sloop of Capt. Bradford, by Townsend, Shippie (1767)
  9. Bill to Joseph Warren for £6, by Warren, Joseph (1774)
  10. Bill to Joseph Warren for milk worth £4, by Frost, Gideon (1774)
  11. Copy of letter to Dr. Franklin from the Committee of Correspondence dated December. 21, 1773, by Massachusetts. Committee of Correspondence; Franklin, Benjamin (1773)
  12. Deposition about Boston Massacre, by Ward, Richard; Dawes, Thomas (1770)
  13. Deposition about Boston Massacre, by Ward, Richard; Dawes, Thomas (1770)
  14. Deposition testifying he saw three men fall at Boston Massacre, by Petty, Joseph; Dawes, Thomas (1770)
  15. Document appointing a committee to thank General Conway and Isaac Barre for helping to repeal Stamp Act, by Boston Mass. Town Meeting; Barré, Isaac (1766)
  16. Document certifying that Capt. Isaac Davis of Acton was in a regiment of Minutemen killed at Concord, April 19th, 1775, by Peirce, Abijah; Davis, Isaac (17--)
  17. Document for the Governor and Company of the Colony of Connecticut, by Hubbell, Samuel (1759)
  18. Document postponing consideration of Lieut. Gov. Hutchinson's right to sit in Council, by Massachusetts. General Court; Hutchinson, Thomas (1767)
  19. Document protesting against Parliamentary taxes and property, by Otis, James (1774)
  20. Document protesting against Provincial Congress' vote diverting provincial taxes from Gray to Henry Gardner, by Gray, Harrison (1774)
  21. Document protesting possible transfer of British 14th Regiment from Castle Island to Common, by Boston Mass. Town Meeting; Adams, Samuel (1772)
  22. Document reporting to Boston Town Meeting that Committee of Instruction is unable to fix proper salaries for justices of the Superior Court, by Molineux, William (1772)
  23. Document testifying about the Boston Massacre, by Palmes, Richard (1770)
  24. Document testifying that Soldiers clubbed children but were trapped in alley for ten minutes by citizens before Boston Massacre, by Leach, John (1770)
  25. Document to the Honourable the Justices of the Superiour Court of Judicature appealing for affirmation of judgement by Benjamin Harrod and Benjamin Dolbeare against Francis Whitmore, by Adams, John (1766)
  26. Draft of Instructions to Boston's Representatives in General Court, James Otis, Thomas Cushing, Samuel Adams, John Hancock to protest against quartering troops in town, by Boston Mass. Town Meeting; Adams John (1768)
  27. Draft resolution asking Governor Francis Bernard to convene General Court about Liberty case and defense proposals, by Boston Mass. Town Meeting; Bernard, Francis (1768)
  28. Eighteen documents about military supplies and political activities, by Stoughtonham (1774)
  29. Examination and answers of a servant of Edward Manwaring, by Winthrop, Samuel (1770)
  30. Excerpt from a letter written about his son and his failure to do passing work at college, by Hopkins, Samuel (17--)
  31. Fragment of account rendered for travel to and attendance at a meeting by New Hampshire's delegates to Congress, by Langdon, John (17--)
  32. General orders for British regiments encamped at Boston, by Great Britain. Army; Gage, Thomas (1774)
  33. Handwritten Notes Regarding The Use Of Codes, Ciphers And Secret Inks During The Era Of The American Revolutionary War, by William F. Friedman (17--)
  34. Indictment of Alexander Mall for stabbing Samuel Atwood during the Boston Massacre, by Massachusetts. Superior Court of Judicature; Mall, Alexander; Attwood (1770)
  35. Indictment of Alexander Mall for stabbing Samuel Atwood during the Boston Massacre, by Massachusetts. Superior Court of Judicature; Mall, Alexander; Attwood (1770)
  36. Indictment of Colburn Barrell, a Sandemanian, for accusing America of rebellion, by Massachusetts. Superior Court of Judicature; Barrell, Colburn (1770)
  37. Indictment of Thomas Preston and others for the murder of Crispus Attucks in the Boston Massacre, by Massachusetts. Superior Court of Judicature; Preston, Thomas (1770)
  38. Indictment of Thomas Preston, William Wemms, James Hartegan, William McCauley, Hugh White, Mathew Killroy, William Warren, John Carroll, and Hugh Montgomery for the murder of James Caldwell, by De Coverly, Roger (1770)
  39. Indictment of Thomas Preston, William Wemms, James Hartegan, William McCauley, Hugh White, Mathew Killroy, William Warren, John Carroll, and Hugh Montgomery for the murder of Patrick Carr, by De Coverly, Roger (1770)
  40. Indictment of Thomas Preston, William Wemms, James Hartegan, William McCauley, Hugh White, Mathew Killroy, William Warren, John Carroll, and Hugh Montgomery for the murder of Samuel Gray, by De Coverly, Roger (1770)
  41. Journal of sessions and votes, by North Carolina. Provincial Congress (1774)
  42. larum list taken March 6, 1769, in Col. Jackson's Company, by Massachusetts. Militia. Regiment, 1st (1769)
  43. Lease of small pasture of Thomas Flucker to Harrison Gray, by Montagu, John (1773)
  44. Letter concerning transfer of royal troops from Corporation's buildings to hospital, by Gage, Thomas (1765)
  45. Letter from a committee of merchants of Boston to a committe of merchants of Norwich, Connecticut, by Cushing, Thomas (1769)
  46. Letter from the Boston Selectmen regarding proposals for the non-importation agreement, by Boston Mass. Selectmen; Jackson, Joseph (1767)
  47. Letter to Andrew Oliver, condemning British tyranny in refusing to hear colonial petitions and urging him to oppose the Stamp, by Bollan, William (1764)
  48. Letter to Arthur Lee in London about Governor Hutchinson's departure and colonial unity, by Cushing, Thomas (1774)
  49. Letter to Benjamin Payne and Connecticut Committee of Correspondence about Writs of Assistance, relaying John Adams' notes, by Cushing, Thomas (1773)
  50. Letter to Boston Selectmen about efforts to arouse English to condemn Boston Massacre, mentioning arrival of copies of a short narrative of the horrid massacre, by Trecothick, Barlow (1770)
  51. Letter to Boston town meeting saying he in unable to do anything about tea shipment, by Hutchinson, Thomas (1773)
  52. Letter to Boston Town Meeting, saying he cannot decide about tea shipment because its terms are unknown, by Clarke, Richard (1773)
  53. Letter to Brigadier General Rodney, by Gist, Mordecai (17--)
  54. Letter to Brother complaining of scarcity of money and Assembly's address to King to stop slave trade, by Lee, Richard Henry (1773)
  55. Letter to Col. Henry Lee, urging him to secure assistance of Capt. Clapham at Loudoun election to defeat Lee's enemies, by Lee, Francis Lightfoot (17--)
  56. Letter to Coll. Azor Orne and Elbridge Gerry, merchants at Marblehead from the Committee for Donations signed David Jeffries, by Jefferies, David (1774)
  57. Letter to Doctor Samuel Stringer, Albany, by Johnson, William (1770)
  58. Letter to Ebenezer Hancock, by Perkins, Daniel (1774)
  59. Letter to Elbridge Gerry requesting help in reshipping 1000 bushels of corn donated by Virginia for Boston, by Hill, Henry; Gerry, Elbridge (1774)
  60. Letter to Francis Hutcheson requesting pay to Hugh and Alexander Wallace for military service in His Majesty's forces in North America, by Haldimand, Frederick (1774)
  61. Letter to Francis Lightfoot Lee about dismal trade in colonial goods, by Lee, William (1773)
  62. Letter to gentlemen of Boston, conveying her condolences about the Boston Massacre, by Macaulay, Catharine (1770)
  63. Letter to Gentlemen reporting repeal of Townshend Acts except the Tea Act, criticizing Bostonians for breaking Non-importation Agreements, by Eliot, Samuel (1770)
  64. Letter to George Grenville about attempts to suppress Bristol petition for repeal of the Stamp Act by house-to-house canvas, by Nugent, Robert Nugent, Earl (1765)
  65. Letter to George Grenville, relaying news of Boston Massacre, by Lloyd, Charles (1770)
  66. Letter to Gov. Francis Bernard reporting he is unable to attend Council and consider opening courts because of a cOLD & RARE, by Brattle, William(1765)
  67. Letter to Gov. Thomas Hutchinson about Col. Dalrymple's complaint that Bostonians are enticing British Soldiers to desert, by Auchmuty, Robert (1770)
  68. Letter to his brother, Algernon Percy, about camp in Boston, by Duke of Northumberland, Hugh Percy (1774)
  69. Letter to his brother, Algernon Percy, about embarking for Boston, by Duke of Northumberland, Hugh Percy (1774)
  70. Letter to his brother, Algernon Percy, about Provincial Congress's insolence and cunning, by Duke of Northumberland, Hugh Percy (1774)
  71. Letter to his brother, Algernon Percy, about voyage to Boston aboard H.M.S. Symmetry, by Duke of Northumberland, Hugh Percy (1774)
  72. Letter to his wife about rumored bombardment of Boston and effects of war on his artistic career, by Copley, John Singleton (1774)
  73. Letter to James Bowdoin and others about English reactions of Boston Massacre, by Bollan, William (1770)
  74. Letter to James Bowdoin, Samuel Pemberton, Joseph Warren, Committee of the Town of Boston, by Pownall, Thomas (1770)
  75. Letter to James Otis asking for news on non-importation movement and noting that he writes on untaxed paper, by Dickinson, John (1768)
  76. Letter to James Otis, Moderator, Town of Boston Board of Selectmen, by Hancock, John (1765)
  77. Letter to John Greenough, hoping that he is not abused for his help in tea business, by Clarke, Richard (1774)
  78. Letter to John Hancock concerning non-importation agreements, by Hancock, John (1770)
  79. Letter to John Hancock congratulating him on repeal of Stamp Act, by Longman, Thomas (1766)
  80. Letter to John Hancock on sending articles forbidden by non-importation agreement in order to placate Parliament, by Hayley and Hopkins (1769)
  81. Letter to John Hancock reporting role of London merchants in repeal of Stamp Act, by Harrison & Barnard (1766)
  82. Letter to John Hancock stating that dinners for the London merchants lobbying for repeal of Stamp Act cost, by Barnard, Jonathan (1766)
  83. Letter to John Winthrop, Esq., agreeing that English are to blame for current conflict, by Russell, Charles (1765)
  84. Letter to Major General John Bradstreet about arrival of troops and unified opposition to General Gage, by Montrésor, John (1774)
  85. Letter to Medway Committee of Correspondence, thanking them for help, by Boston Committee of Correspondence; Cooper, William (1773)
  86. Letter to Miss Elizabeth West, Boston, by Hopkins, Samuel (1764)
  87. Letter to Nathaniel Folsom, by Sullivan, John (1774)
  88. Letter to Oliver Wendell criticizing New Yorkers and praising Congress's Address to King and American equality, by Jackson, Jonathan (1774)
  89. Letter to Oliver Wendell in Boston about business and the debts of Edmund Quincy, by Hayley, George (1769)
  90. Letter to Peter Van Schaack about Lord Dunmore's arrival, Loan Office bill, and plans to end non-importation because of Boston and Newport's perfidy, by Cruger, Henry (1770)
  91. Letter to President Edmund Pendleton, Esq. about captured supplies, by Henry, Patrick (17--)
  92. Letter to Rev. Richard Price in England, condemning Bishops and Customs Commissioners, by Chauncy, Charles (1770)
  93. Letter to Rev. Samuel Henley, William and Mary College, Virginia, inquiring about details of sending bishops to colonies, by Law, Edmund (1774)
  94. Letter to Selectmen requesting town meeting to consider Tea Act, by Boston Mass. Citizens; Adams, Samuel (1773)
  95. Letter to Sir William Hamilton about King's interference in politics, grain shortages, and Chatham's gout, by Arden, William (1767)
  96. Letter to Sir William Hamilton about Lord Chatham and grain shortages in England, by Arden, William (1766)
  97. Letter to Sir William Hamilton at Naples about disturbances in America, by Conway, Henry Seymour (1765)
  98. Letter to Sir William Hamilton reporting King's speech on American riots, by Conway, Henry Seymour (1766)
  99. Letter to Sir William Johnson about French emigrés' disputed rights and quarrel's effect on Canadians, by Dorchester, Guy Carleton, Baron (1767)
  100. Letter to Sir William Johnson, sending 17 families fleeing discontent in Scotland, by Munro, Harry (1773)
  101. Letter to T. & J. Fleet,asking that advertisement for 3e ed. of his Concise historical view of New England omit the phrase Humbly inscribed to one of His Majesty's principal secretarys of state, by Adams, Amos (1774)
  102. Letter to the Council [Committee] of 15, reporting that the 29th Regt. alone will go to Castle Island, by Hutchinson, Thomas (1770)
  103. Letter to the Council of Safety, Annapolis, Maryland, sending news, by Chase, Samuel (17--)
  104. Letter to the Massachusetts General Court, by Mauduit, Jasper (1765)
  105. Letter to the printers of the Boston news papers condemning radicals as dangers to liberty, by Ruggles, Timothy (17--)
  106. Letter to Thomas and John Fleet, printers in Boston, asking them to print Isaac Winslow's resignation from Mandamus Council in Evening Post, by Adams, Amos (1774)
  107. Letter to Thomas Hancock, by Belcher, Jonathan (1762)
  108. Letters to John Hancock on business and the possibility of war, by Hancock, John (1770)
  109. Minute book of rules and meetings, by Relief Fire Society Boston, Mass (1773)
  110. Minutes of meeting to consider Boston's resolutions for Committees of Correspondence, by Cambridge Mass. Town Meeintg; Brattle, William (1772)
  111. Minutes of meetings about Tea Act, by Boston Mass. Merchants (1773)
  112. Minutes of meetings and resolves, by Massachusetts. Committee of Correspondence (1773)
  113. Muster rolls of various companies in Col. Joseph Badger's Regt. by New Hampshire. Militia. Regiment, 10th (1772)
  114. Oath of allegiance to the United State as Deputy Pay Master General, by Reed, Thomas; Lincoln, Benjamin (17--)
  115. Opinion regarding right of free African Americans to hOLD & RARE real property, by Waln, Nicholas (1771)
  116. Order asking Commissary Aaron Blaney to give four bales to Captain Williams, by Hopkins, John; Blaney, Aaron (17--)
  117. Orders for escorting to Headquarters under guard the following Soldiers, Sergeant Pripp, Sergeant Hatheway, Corporal Seers, and Corporal Gray by order of Major. General. Heath, by Huntington, Ebenezer (17--)
  118. Petition to prevent importation of tea, by Boston Mass. Citizens; Adams, Samuel (1773)
  119. Petition to Selectmen for resignation of tea consignees, by Boston Mass. Citizens; Clarke, Richard (1773)
  120. Petition to Selectmen for resignation of tea consignees, by Boston Mass. Citizens; Clarke, Richard (1773)
  121. Petition to the United States in Congress, for the rank, pay, and rations of a Captain, for service in the Continental Army, by Blunt, John (178-)
  122. Petition to Town of Boston selectmen to convene a town meeting in order to renew the request made to the to the receivers of tea by a vote of the previous town meeting that they resign, by Adams, Samuel (1773)
  123. Promissory note to Job Prince for £32, by Warren, Joseph (1772)
  124. Promissory note to Lee & Jones for £96, by Warren, Joseph (1774)
  125. Promissory note to Nathaniel Perkins, physician, for £48, by Warren, Joseph (1774)
  126. Promissory note to William Read for £30, by Warren, Joseph (1771)
  127. Promissory note to William White for £13, by Warren, Joseph (1769)
  128. Pulaski's Legion; A project to enforce uniformity among American troops by inspectors general, by Tennant, Jean Baptiste; Pulaski, Kazimierz (17--)
  129. Receipt for Capt. Joseph Celey for lawful money for boards at New Market Landing, by McClary, Andrew (1774)
  130. Receipt for Col. John Thomas for one bounty note to be paid to Christopher Dyer, by Gurney, Eilsha; Thomas, John (1760)
  131. Receipt for General John Thomas for fifteen bounty notes, by Lane, George; Thomas, John (1760)
  132. Receipt of £11 from John Howard for Joseph Warren's debt, by How, Lemuel (1772)
  133. Recognizance certifying John Munro's bond of 800 to appear in answer to charge of murder of Crispus Attucks, by Cushing, John; Munro, John; Hirons (1770)
  134. Recognizance for Hammond Green, Richard Draper, John Green, Joseph Russell, and Thomas Hitchbourn, by Cushing, John (1770)
  135. Report of meeting and resolution to Capt. Jonathan Adams of Medway for towns to choose delegates to a county convention, by Patten, N; Adams, Jonathan, Capt (1774)
  136. Resignation from Mandamus Council, by Oliver, Thomas (1774)
  137. Resolution not to buy or sell English goods until Boston Port Bill is repealed, by Medway Mass. Citizens; Adams, Jonathan (1774)
  138. Resolutions and proceedings of inhabitants of the Town of Medway in regard to their relations with Great Britain, by Adams, Jonathan (1774)
  139. Return of jury against Edward Child for blocking highway in Roxbury, by Trowbridge, Edmund (1767)
  140. Roster of officers for court martial, by Chapin, Silas (17--)
  141. Rules and membership lists including many Loyalists and James Otis, dismissed, by Union Fire-Club, Boston, Mass. (1772)
  142. The committee appointed to prepare Instructions to the Representatives upon the following Draft To Royall Tyler, James Otis, Thomas Cushing, by Adams, Samuel (1764)
  143. Trust in God, better than confidence in men; a disource on Psalm 118.8.9, by Tucker, John (1774)
  144. Two letters to John Hancock, by Hancock, John (1770)
  145. Two letters to Oliver Wendell in Boston about business and the debts of Edmund Quincy, by Hayley, George (1769)
  146. Two letters to Oliver Wendell in Boston about business and the debts of Edmund Quincy, by Hayley, George (1771)
  147. Two letters to Oliver Wendell in Boston about business and the debts of Edmund Quincy, by Hayley, George (1772)


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