Hi, I double check and test all the items before packaging them so there isn't any defective items being shipped out. If the item is marked Brand New, I do not test the item.

New and used items may have wear on the cases and covers. Please look at the pictures carefully. All items are sold as is.

I offer combined shipping!!! 

Return Policy: I accept a return or give a full refund if the item was damaged in the mail. If this happens, please contact me and send me photos of the damaged item/s and I'll send you a refund. I'll also take returns or give out a refund if the item doesn't work. 

Please keep your eyes out for sales, I have them all the time!!!

Please keep in contact after buying an item and let me know if there's any issues.

If you have any questions, please contact me and I'll answer them as quickly as possible. Thank you for your interest and have a wonderful day!!!