29 Campagne Buttons/Pins for Presidential Races Including the Following:
7 Goldwater Pins (1-the Goldwater 1964 pin like a UFO"
5 Kennedy
2 Ike (1 I LIKE IKE, and 1 was a Sunflower handmade with IKE 56)
5 Reagan
1 Wilke
4 Misc. (Stevenson/Sparkman, Not sure of the other 3)
1 Landon knox
1 Jeb!
1 Don't Send a Boy....
1 Re-Elect the President

Get your hands on this unique lot of 29 presidential campaign pin buttons featuring iconic candidates such as Landon, Ike, Nixon, Goldwater, Reagan, and Wilke. These pins are perfect for collectors of historical memorabilia and politics enthusiasts alike. These buttons encompass many decades of candidates and feature a variety of slogans, including the famous "Let's Make America Great Again". The pins are made of mixed materials and were all manufactured in the United States. Don't miss out on this opportunity to own a piece of political history!