Fuji Quickchange 4x5 sheet film holder with 2 sets of cartridges. Each cartridge holds 8 septums allowing you to shoot 8 per load. With 2 cartridges, you have 16 shots.

This is the lightest film holder for 4x5 format you could possibly have. The holder with a cartridge containing 8 sheets will weigh just around 600 grams. The cartridge weighs around 230 grams. This set with the holder and 2 cartridges weighs just 824 grams and you could have a total of 16 shots altogether.

If you never used them, I have a YouTube video showing how to load and use them.

This is an extremely rare item that Fuji discontinued making over 20 years ago. It’s used but fully functional. Kindly look at tge photos as they are part of the items description.

Kindly ask if you have any concerns.

Will ship to North America, European Union, Australia and New Zealand, Southeast Asia, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and China.