The Life and Letters of Rev. George Leo Haydock  1774-1849  Correspondence of a Bible Scholar, Church Builder, Gentleman Farmer and Minister to the Poor During and After Penal Times.  Loreto Publications, 2023.

The most comprehensive work ever compiled on this remarkable priest; best remembered today for his famed edition of the Bible with its extensive and edifying annotations, first published in 1811 when Catholics were still being persecuted under the English Penal Laws and remaining in print for the rest of the century in England Ireland and America where it was purchased by Catholic families, including the Irish immigrant ancestors of both American Catholic Presidents.  But his Bible was only one part of the career of this descendant of a long line of Catholic martyrs and priests.  The purpose of this study is to relate his many other achievements through the eye of his extensive correspondence.  From his hair-raining escape from French Revolutionary forces while a young seminarian at Douay, through his building of churches, his literary contributions to encourage lay participation in the Liturgy, his disputes with superiors, his unflagging devotion to ministering to the poor, to his death from the exertions of a long priestly life, his exciting and inspiring career is detailed in this fascinating collection of letters and extensive collection of illustrations.  Published by the publisher of the modern series of Haydock Bibles.