Please see my other listings for more filters we have for sale!

Model BF 4X5-SCBWOW4 / BF4X5SCBWOW4. 4x5.650 / 4x5 size. This is the 4mm thick highest quality version of this filter. Compare this glass in quality to Tiffen, Schneider, and B+W. Retails originally for $368.

Combines 3 Grades of Soft Focus, Grade 3 at Center/Grade 1 at Edge

Excellent for Head Shots and the perfect portrait

The Formatt Soft Center Beauty "WOW" Filter is a unique must have filter. This filter is specifically designed for the head shot shooter who wants to get as close to a perfect portrait as possible. In order to maintain an even level of diffusion throughout the filter, this filter takes into account the even transition of diffusion from center to the edge.

The principle is ingenious. The filter is strongest at the center where it rates at a Grade 3 and where your subjects eyes/face tend to be. From there, it begins to "feather" (fade) towards the edges at the Grade 2 level. Finally, at the edges, you'll find a Grade 3 diffusion.

This incredible filter gives you the softness where you really want it but not where it isn't really required. It has been designed by a member of the American Society of Cinematographers who felt that his work called for a more subtle form of diffusion. Each filter is tested with a densitometer for accuracy, purity and preciseness of transmission. You'll not find any colorcast in this filter since it is made from Schott B270 Glass.