RARE and powerful this bronze and glass ring is very ancient.

size 7 approx

 Eye of the Grand High Witch of Webra

Step into the realm of mystic insight and magical prowess with the ancient Brass Ring adorned with the fabled Glass Stone, whispered to be the Eye of the Grand High Witch of Webra. This remarkable artifact is said to be imbued with potent magical energies, granting its wearer the gift of universal sight and the ability to peer into realms beyond.

Embrace the Radiance of the Female Witch Grand High Priestess: Universal Seer and Guardian of Mystic Realms.

Envision the timeless elegance of the ancient brass entwined with the ethereal glow of the Glass Stone, a conduit of transcendental power and an embodiment of ancient wisdom.

**Key Attributes:**

1. **Universal Sight:** As the Eye of the Grand High Witch of Webra, this stone bestows upon its wearer the gift of universal sight. Peer into the depths of the unseen, unravel mysteries, and unlock the secrets of other worlds.

2. **Magical Powers:** Imbued with the essence of ancient magick, the Brass Ring holds the key to unlocking untold powers. Harness the forces of the universe, wield spells of great potency, and shape destinies with the strength of your will.

**How It Can Assist You:**

- **Insightful Vision:** Embrace the clarity of sight granted by the Eye of the Witch, gaining powerful insights into the mysteries of existence and the workings of the cosmos.

- **Magical Mastery:** With the knowledge bestowed by the Grand High Witch, cast spells of great magnitude and wield magick with finesse and precision.

- **Connection to Other Realms:** Open the gates to otherworldly realms, commune with spirits, and explore the vast expanse of the astral plane with confidence and clarity.

**Universal Guidance and Mystic Insight:**

Under the guidance of the Female Witch Grand High Priestess, your journey becomes a sacred quest for truth and enlightenment. More than a mere ring, this artifact serves as a conduit for ancient wisdom and a gateway to the mysteries of the universe.

Note: The Eye of the Grand High Witch of Webra is a relic of unparalleled power and significance. Embrace its magickal energies and allow its wisdom to illuminate your path toward spiritual mastery and enlightenment. With this ancient artifact adorning your hand, the realms of possibility are boundless, and the mysteries of the universe await your discovery.

Please email me any questions.
WHEN choosing your new Jinn/ DJinn or Amulet it helps to do the following.
Close your eyes. Take a deep breath. Exhale slowly. Clear the mind.

Now see how you feel in your heart.