Immerse yourself in the world of Control, the thrilling action-adventure game by Remedy and 505 Games. This game is designed for Microsoft Xbox One and was released in 2019. It has a mature rating and features exciting gameplay that will keep you hooked for hours.The game takes place in a supernatural world where you play as Jesse Faden, who is on a mission to uncover the mysteries of the Federal Bureau of Control. With its engaging storyline, stunning graphics, and unique gameplay mechanics, Control is a must-have for any video game enthusiast. Get your hands on this exciting game today and experience the thrill of the unknown.

  • Explore diverse environments and shifting architecture in a deep unpredictable world, set within a sprawling New York building
  • Define your play style by integrating supernatural abilities, upgrades, and modifiable loadouts
  • Harness dynamic environmental destruction for exciting combat possibilities and master complex ritual to alter your surroundings
  • Dive into a dark and brutalist-inspired world where daily reality has been corrupted by an otherworldly force