The MFLIBRA Antique Books Team Presents:

1698 Scarce French Christology Book - The Hidden Life with Jesus in God by Henri-Marie Boudon.


Author: Henri-Marie Boudon.
Title : La Vie Cachée avec Jésus en Dieu. Votre Vie est Cachée avec Jésus-Christ en Dieu. Aux Colossiens, Chap.3.
Publisher : A Bruxelles, Chez la Veuve de Pierre Vleugart, Sur le Marché au Bois, 1698.
Language: Text in French.

Size: 5" X 3.5".
Pages: 241 pages + Table.
Binding: Very good original full-calf leather binding with working clasps (hinges fine, overall worn and scuffed - as shown) under a protective removable mylar cover.
Content: Very good content (bright, tight and clean, rare light foxing and staining - as shown).

Estimate : (Scarce with no or few other copies available for sale worldwide).

The book: " La Vie Cachée avec Jésus en Dieu" (The Hidden Life with Jesus in God) by Henri-Marie Boudon is a scarce French Christology book from the late 17th century that delves into the spiritual journey of living a life hidden with Christ in God, as referenced in Colossians Chapter 3. Published in Brussels in 1698, this profound work explores themes of mysticism, devotion, and the Christian life, offering guidance and reflection on cultivating a closer relationship with Jesus.

The author: Henri-Marie Boudon (1624–1702) was a French Roman Catholic priest and spiritual writer known for his deep piety and promotion of devotion to the Holy Angels and the Virgin Mary. His writings contribute significantly to the Christian mystical tradition, emphasizing the interior life and the union with the divine.

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