1995 U.S. Nationals: Women's Gymnastics Event Finals in New Orleans, Louisiana (DVD)

Watch top qualifying gymnasts Dominique Moceanu, Shannon Miller, Kerri Strug & Dominique Dawes battle for United States National Individual Event titles on all four events! 

Competitors Featured:
-Dominique Dawes
-Dominique Moceanu
-Doni Thompson
-Heather Brink
-Kerri Strug
-Monica Flammer
-Shannon Miller

Bonus Features: 
-Post meet interview with Dominique Moceanu
-Interactive menu with chapters set giving you the ability to skip to the beginning of each routine during viewing

Disc Specifications:
Duration: 46 minutes
Format: DVD | Widescreen
Video Quality: Standard Definition (QR: 10.0)
Audio Quality: Standard Definition (QR: 10.0)

**Please Note Before Bidding** This is NOT a commercial DVD sold in stores, however, it is professionally produced and guaranteed excellent quality.  Keep in mind these are difficult to find gymnastics meets that are not available for purchase elsewhere.

<<Other competitions may be available that are not listed yet. If you have a request for a specific meet, please send me a message letting me know which one you're looking for and I'll let you know if I have it available. Thanks for shopping!>>