Nyjer seed for birds Nyjer seed for birds, also known as Nyjer seed, has not only proven popular with a variety of finches, such as goldfinches, but it is also easy and practical to use in nyjer feeders and on bird tables.

Nutritional value

Percentage (%) Protein 10 - 25 Sugars 12- 18 Fibre 10 - 20 Moisture 10 - 12 Oil 30 - 40

Which birds eat it?

With their delicious taste, packed full of good oil content, you may spot a few of the following visiting your bird feeder when it’s filled to the brim.  

Kennedy Wild Bird Food’s nyjer seed

Many of our customers have praised our Nyjer seed for attracting some of their favourite feathered friends to their gardens. With its very fine texture, it is best to use this seed with one of our nyjer seed feeders.

A seed from the Nyjer plant

Nyjer or nyjer seed comes from the Nyjer plant, a small bushy plant that sports beautiful, bright yellow flowers when in bloom! These plants not only give you delicious seeds, perfect for wild bird food, but they are also ideal for attracting bees to your garden!

Our nyjer seed for birds

A very fine seed, and a must for all gardens. Nyjer seed is high in oil content and the most expensive of wild bird seeds, however, we're here to offer you the best price for this coveted seed. Much loved by goldfinch and chaffinch, our nyjer seed should be used in a special Droll Yankees nyjer feeder. Use alongside our other bird seed mixtures and plain feeds for a truly diverse mix of wild bird food. Always ensure water is available.