Very Rare.

I cannot find this title for sale anywhere worldwide.

Not located in WorldCat.

IMMORTALITY: The Next Giant Step for Mankind by Eileen Bennett and Raymond Collier; First Edition (1985); New York: Vantage Press, Inc.; 138pp.

This scarce book was written by two ministers of Dr. Clem Davies advancing the idea that "the time is at hand when a peaceful Remnant will transcend mortality and qualify as a distinctly new life form".  Dr. Davies ordained both authors.

Dr. Clem Davies was a white supremacist and public supporter of the Ku Klux Klan from Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. He earned his fame in Victoria, BC, in the early 1920s. He was a pastor of the Centennial Church, and in the early 1920s, he was quite popular. His sermons were unlike that of other preachers of the time, making his sermons appealing to those who were tired of the traditional sermon. Similar to William Branham’s “Message” doctrine, Clem Davies’ version of Christianity was militant and against organized religion. In fact, his congregation grew until it filled the Victoria City Temple.

In the Victoria City Temple, his sermons continued to stray even further from the ordinary. They began to include discussions on sex, race, and bloodline. It also included the fundamental elements of his Christian Identity doctrine.

Clem Davies’ sermons had to be censored, and at times, children under 16 were forbidden. Davies was deeply involved with White Supremacy and the Ku Klux Klan, and Klan agenda made its way into his sermons. In 1924, he threatened that the Ku Klux Klan would become militant if the "Oriental problem" was not stopped. In 1925, he began preaching about joining the Ku Klux Klan, apparently holding membership drives.

Along with being a Klansman, Clem Davies was a prominent British Israel preacher. He was a lecturer on British-Israelism, which gained an even more diverse crowd. Rev. Gordon Lindsay, Branham's campaign manager, was active in Davies' British-Israelism and spoke during public conventions. In the late 1940s, Davies began working with the Kardashians to support Avak Hagopian and William Branham. Tatos(Tom) Kardashian (and likely Demos Shakarian, Tatos' close relative) worked with Davies to organize the "faith healing" tours of Avak Hagopian and William Branham in 1947. Coincidentally, this was during the time Roy E. Davis and William D. Upshaw was in Los Angeles, preparing for what would later become the Third Wave of the Ku Klux Klan.

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