Doctor Who - Big Finish - The Diary of River Song - Series Three Box Set

Item is marked as new - and is in excellent condition - only the cellophane outer wrapping has been removed.  The CDs have never been played.

Played by Alex Kingston, River Song is one of the most fascinating characters in Doctor Who. The time-traveling archaeologist who has one of the closest relationships with the Doctor, with parents Amy and Rory Pond.  Delve into the new adventures of River Song.  Warning: Major "Timey Wimeyness" guaranteed.  Keep reading the Diary of River Song.  This series also includes an appearance from the 5th Doctor.

When River Song goes shopping for a whole load of  points, she uncovers secrets linked to her tangled past.  The Doctor arrives, and the mystery deepens. He is already exploring the universe with another companion – someone River knows nothing about.

Madame Kovarian has been busy, and this time she will not accept failure...

* This story is now out of print on CD *

Box set contains 5 discs  (4 stories and 1 Behind the Scenes disc).

Comprises four stories:

3.1 The Lady in the Lake

On Terminus Prime, clients choose their own means of demise. Something exciting, meaningful, or heroic to end it all.

But when River discovers that there are repeat customers, she knows something more is going on.

She begins to uncover a cult with worrying abilities. Its members can apparently cheat death, and that’s not all they have in common with River...

3.2 A Requiem for the Doctor

River has joined the Doctor and his friend Brooke on their travels, and they stop off in 18th century Vienna.

Brooke thinks history is dull. Until people start dying.

Mozart’s legacy is not just his music. River has more than one mystery to solve before a killer is let loose on the people of Vienna – and on the Doctor.

3.3 My Dinner with Andrew

Welcome, Mesdames et Messieurs, to The Bumptious Gastropod.

The most exclusive, most discreet dining experience outside the universe. For the restaurant exists beyond spacetime itself, and the usual rules of causality do not apply. Anything could happen.

It is here that the Doctor has a date. With River Song. And with death.


3.4 The Furies
Stories of the Furies abound across the cosmos: vengeful spirits hounding guilty souls to death. Madame Kovarian taught them to a child raised in fear, trained to kill, and placed inside a spacesuit.

Kovarian knows the universe’s greatest threat, the Doctor must be eliminated. An assassin was created for that purpose.

But if Melody Pond has failed, Kovarian will simply have to try again...