An array of cat characters take the starring roles in a variety of instantly recognizable settings. The masterpieces of Western art retain their distinctive styles while being cleverly filled with furry faces and pussycat tails. Cats then take to the stage in Shakespearean dramas and lavishly staged opera productions. The final stop is Hollywood, where cats are cast in everything from big-budget epics to cult classics, emulating the timeless glamour of the golden age of cinema. From Botticelli's Birth of Venus through Puccini's Tosca to James Dean and Lawrence of Arabia, Susan Herbert's brilliantly observed feline dramatis personae are a joy to discover

Susan Herbert (1945-2014) was one of the most distinctive contemporary cat artists. She studied at the Ruskin School of Drawing and Fine Art, University of Oxford. She was the author and illustrator of The Cats Gallery of Art, The Cats History of Western Art, Diary of a Victorian Cat, Medieval Cats, Impressionist Cats, Pre-Raphaelite Cats, Shakespeare Cats, Opera Cats and Movie Cats, all published by Thames & Hudson.

Cats in Art ¿ Cats on Stage ¿ Cats in the Movies