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Dr.Web antivirus engine technologies

Criminal groups involved in the development and spread of viruses are thoroughly organized, so virus production has become streamlined, thus leading to explosive growth in the quantity of malicious malware. This immediately spawned a host of daily signature records being added to virus databases.


Virus analysts are not magicians and cannot instantly process the thousands and thousands of suspicious files received daily. Long gone are the times when anti-viruses could catch malware using only relevant virus signatures (i.e., records in virus databases) — i.e. detect only known viruses. If this were so till now, an anti-virus would be helpless in the face of unknown threats. However, an anti-virus remains the best and the only effective protection tool against all types of malicious threats — and, most importantly, — against viruses both known and unknown to the virus database.

Dr.Web incorporates many effective non-signature technologies for detecting and removing unknown malware. Together, they make it possible to detect the latest (unknown) threats before they are registered in the virus database. We'll describe just a few of them.

Dr.Web virus database

What are the advantages of a small virus database with fewer entries?


Every day millions of people around the world use the unique product Dr.Web CureIt!, created specifically to cure infected computers that run other anti-viruses.


Modern malware often operates invisibly to computer users, and, from the moment of its creation, it cannot even be detected by many anti-virus programs. Only an anti-virus can cure an infected system.

Proactive protection technologies:

Many malware programs operate according to similar algorithms, exploit the same operating system vulnerabilities, and have the same set of malicious functions.

If a suspicious program’s behavior resembles the behavioral patterns of known malware, the Dr.Web anti-virus protection system can detect and block that program—even if an entry for it has yet to be included in the Dr.Web virus database.

This is due to the fact that none of the software’s proactive technologies depend on the signatures of these suspicious programs being present in the virus database. All these technologies are developed solely by Doctor Web.

Advantages of Dr.Web anti-spam

Vade Secure

Filtering of spam and other unsolicited messages is performed by the vaderatro plugin which uses its own library (Vade Secure). This library is continuously updated, ensuring uninterrupted improvement in filtering quality. Highly effective junk mail filtering is combined with low consumption of system resources. This is the reason why Dr.Web anti-spam is able to operate efficiently on low-end hardware.

Depending on the results of the analysis, each message receives a score from the VadeRetro library – an integer ranging from -10,000 to +10,000. The higher the score is, the more likely the message is to be spam.

The threshold value is set by the SpamThreshold parameter of the plugin configuration file. If the score equals the value of the SpamThreshold parameter or exceeds it, the message is considered to be spam.

After a message has been analyzed, Vade Secure may add (depending on the plugin settings) corresponding headers to the message.

Spam filtering technologies

The Dr.Web anti-spam analyzes messages using several thousand rules which can be divided into several groups.

Heuristic Analysis
A highly intelligent technology that empirically analyzes all parts of a message: the header, body, and attachments. This makes it possible to detect unknown types of spam. The heuristic analyzer is constantly being improved; new rules are frequently added. This allows the next generation of spam messages to be detected even before a corresponding rule is created.
Counter filtering
Counteraction filtering is one of the Dr.Web anti-spam’s most advanced and efficient technologies. It recognizes the techniques and tricks spammers use to avoid detection.
HTML signature analysis
Messages containing HTML code are compared with HTML patterns from the anti-spam library. Such a comparison, in combination with data on the image sizes typically used by spammers, helps protect users against spam messages featuring HTML code, which often contain online images.
Detection based on the SMTP envelope
The detection of fake SMTP server stamps and other forged elements in email headers is a brand new anti-spam technology. A trusted sender address is not enough; criminals can forge it easily. Sometimes unsolicited messages do not merely convey advertisements. Such emails can contain hoaxes and even threats. Special Dr.Web anti-spam technologies can expose spoofed addresses and block such messages. As a consequence, it doesn't merely save traffic but also protects employees from fraudulent emails that can push them to do unpredictable things.
Semantic analysis
A message’s words and phrases are compared with words and phrases in the spam dictionary. All words, phrases, and symbols are analyzed – both those visible to the human eye and those hidden by spammer tricks.
Anti-scam technologies
Scam emails (as well as pharming messages – a type of scam) are the most dangerous type of spam, the most notorious example being the so-called “Nigerian” scams, loan scams, lottery and casino scams, and false messages from banks and credit organizations. A special module of Dr.Web anti-spam is used to filter scams.
Bounce filtering
Automatic email notifications or bounces are designed to notify a user if a failure occurs while the mail system is in operation (e.g., a message couldn’t be delivered to a specified address). Similar messages can be used by criminals. For example, a worm or ordinary spam can reach a computer as a notification. A special module of Dr.Web anti-spam detects such unwanted messages.

Dr.Web virus database
Key benefits

The fundamental difference of the Dr.Web virus databases from the virus databases of other av-programs is that alongside smaller number of the virus entries it allows to detect the same quantity (or even greater quantity) of viruses and malicious programs.

Let us summarize what a user benefits from the small size of the virus database.

The creation of the Dr.Web anti-virus began in early 90th of the past century, when the Internet was only developing and was not a global network, when only few companies could offer to have access to the WWW. When the traffic cost a lot and the updates should be made as often as possible, the size of the virus database - the time of its downloading from the Internet - should be minimal. This was the task which faced the developers of the Dr.Web anti-virus and it was successfully solved - till today the Dr.Web virus database is the smallest among all other anti-virus programs. This is conditioned by the Dr.Web own technology of creation of the virus database on the basis of very flexible language specially developed for description of the base. The small size of the base spares costs on the Internet traffic, occupies less space on the hard drive and in main computer memory after the base is downloaded and installed. Small size of the base provides for the high-speed interaction of the components of the Dr.Web programs and does not overload the processor.

What is the most important in the anti-virus? Its ability to protect against viruses. This protection is secured, among other conditions, by adding the virus entries (signatures) to the base allowing to detect viruses. But the quantity of entries included in the base says nothing about the ability of an av-program to detect viruses. The most objective way to check the quality of protection is the comparative reviews held on the collections of viruses from “the wild” (InTheWild list) - i.e. viruses really existing in computers of users and not only in collections of virus laboratories or virus hunters.

One should also know that the virus database of each anti-virus program has its own structure. To explain why the number of entries in the Dr.Web virus database is less than the number of entries in the virus database of some av-developers, one should understand that not all viruses are unique. There are family of related (similar) viruses, there are viruses designed by special virus constructors- programs for creation of viruses. All of them are very similar, sometimes as two peas in a pod. Some developers of av-programs name each such virus with separate entry, which increases the size of the virus database.

The Dr.Web virus databases is designed differently; a single entry in it allows to detect tens, or hundreds, or even thousands similar viruses! Even smaller number of virus entries, comparing to some other av-programs, allows to detect with great likelihood yet unknown viruses (not included into the virus database) which will be created on the basis of already existing viruses.

Dr.Web is always relevant
Dr.Web virus database updates are small, usually not exceeding 50-200 KB. Dr.Web technologies enable the anti-virus to use one database entry to identify hundreds and even thousands of malicious files—including those that may be created by hackers in the future.

Virus monitoring service
The Doctor Web virus monitoring service collects samples of malicious programs all over the Internet and creates antidotes and releases updates as soon as testing is complete—as often as several times per hour. As soon as an update is released, users can retrieve it from several servers located at various points of the globe. To avoid false positives, an update is tested over a huge number of uninfected files before it is released. An intelligent system for adding related viruses allows new malware definitions to be added to the virus database automatically, which makes it possible to respond faster to malicious attacks.