Propolis balm 30g an effective combination of

 propolis concentrate - antibacterial,  antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and anesthetic activities,  

lanolin - has anti-inflammatory, intense hydrating and  barrier repair properties,

  flaxseed oil - significantly accelerates wound healing process

The natural power to heal wounds and pain relief !

Balm contains 10% propolis concentrate

Propolis - natural antibiotic -   no added preservatives or coloring

Propolis is used for the care of skin damaged by: thermal, radiation, chemical burns, frostbite and decubitus ulcers.

Balm has anti-inflammatory properties, cleanses the wound from dead tissues, accelerates granulation, reduces pain.

Propolis has a bactericidal effect that has a beneficial effect on damaged infected microorganisms resistant to antibiotics.

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania ludzie szczęśliwi

Application at:

   -  skin care and protection against burns, frostbites,

        - ulcers, pressure ulcers - bedsores, pressure ulcers

      -  skin irritationinflammation

         - redness and acne

    - is perfect for hand and foot massage

    - for scars of all types

    - to maintain the skin in cracked heel

    - for chapped and cracked skin

    - Speeds healing of leg ulcers

    - It improves the elasticity of the skin

    - after insect bites

Propolis – poznaj jego lecznicze właściwości -

Propolis is very rich in vitamin and minerals. Propolis contains essential amino acids, enzymes and bioflavonoids: Propolis has nourishing features support the function and lubricity of the skin. 

Included in the linen oil natural vitamin E acts as a protection against free radicals and stimulates the skin's elasticity. Even chapped dry skin appears soft and smooth.

Praca dla pielęgniarki na Podkarpaciu? Można mówić o dużym szczęściu, jeśli  uda się znaleźć coś na zastępstwo


Chosen areas should be covered with a thin layer 3-5 times a day.

Balm dermatologically tested. Not tested on animals. 

Note: People who are allergic to bee products should not use. 


Vaseline, Lanolin, Flaxseed oil, Propolis Extract, Fragrance, Linalool, Citronellol, Limonene, Coumarin, Geraniol.

Expiry date: 06.2025

Propolis balm 30g