100% Grass Fed & Grass Finished Bison Tallow, Organic Emu Oil, and Organic Cacao, Rose, & Vanilla Essential Oil.

 Here are some potential benefits of using bison tallow for skin:
  1. Moisturizing: Bison tallow is rich in fatty acids, which can help to hydrate and moisturize the skin. These fatty acids also help to improve the skin's natural barrier function, which can prevent moisture loss.

  2. Anti-inflammatory: Bison tallow contains natural anti-inflammatory compounds that can help to reduce redness and inflammation in the skin. This makes it a good option for those with sensitive or irritated skin.

  3. Nourishing: Bison tallow is high in vitamins A, D, and E, which are all important for maintaining healthy skin. Vitamin A helps to promote skin cell turnover, vitamin D supports skin health and immunity, and vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that helps to protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals.

  4. Absorbs quickly: Bison tallow has a similar molecular structure to the oils produced by the skin, which means that it is quickly absorbed and can penetrate deeply into the skin.

  5. Versatile: Bison tallow can be used as a standalone moisturizer, or it can be incorporated into other skincare products like lotions and balms.

Here are the potential benefits Organic emu oil for your skin:

  1. Moisturization: Emu oil is rich in fatty acids, which can help hydrate and moisturize the skin, potentially reducing dryness and flakiness.

  2. Anti-inflammatory properties: Emu oil contains compounds that may have anti-inflammatory properties, making it potentially useful for soothing skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis.

  3. Wound healing: It is believed to support wound healing and reduce the appearance of scars due to its potential ability to stimulate collagen production.

  4. Anti-aging effects: Some people use emu oil for its potential anti-aging properties, as it may help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

  5. Hypoallergenic: Organic emu oil is generally considered hypoallergenic, meaning it's less likely to cause allergic reactions compared to some other skincare products.

Cocoa, which is the main ingredient in chocolate, is rich in antioxidants and has been shown to offer several potential benefits for the skin when used topically. Here are some of the potential benefits of cocoa for skin:

  1. Antioxidant protection: Cocoa is rich in antioxidants, which can help to protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules that can cause oxidative stress and damage to the skin, leading to premature aging.

  2. Hydration: Cocoa contains natural fats and oils that can help to hydrate and nourish the skin. It can help to improve skin texture and leave the skin feeling soft and supple.

  3. Anti-inflammatory: Cocoa contains anti-inflammatory compounds that can help to reduce redness and inflammation in the skin. This can be helpful for conditions such as acne, eczema, and psoriasis.

  4. Skin brightening: Cocoa contains natural compounds that can help to improve skin tone and brighten the complexion. It can help to reduce the appearance of dark spots and hyperpigmentation.

  5. Relaxation: Cocoa contains compounds that can help to promote relaxation and reduce stress. This can be beneficial for the skin, as stress and anxiety can contribute to skin problems such as acne, eczema, and premature aging.

Vanilla essential oil is derived from the vanilla bean and has a warm, sweet aroma. It has been used for centuries in traditional medicine and aromatherapy, and it also offers several potential benefits for the skin when used topically. Here are some of the potential benefits of vanilla essential oil for the skin:

  1. Antioxidant protection: Vanilla essential oil is rich in antioxidants, which can help to protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules that can cause oxidative stress and damage to the skin, leading to premature aging.

  2. Anti-inflammatory: Vanilla essential oil contains anti-inflammatory compounds that can help to soothe and calm irritated or inflamed skin. This can be helpful for conditions such as acne, eczema, and psoriasis.

  3. Moisturizing: Vanilla essential oil contains natural oils that can help to moisturize and hydrate the skin. It can help to improve skin texture and leave the skin feeling soft and supple.

  4. Relaxation: Vanilla essential oil has a calming and relaxing effect on the mind and body. This can be helpful for reducing stress and promoting better sleep, which can have a positive impact on the skin.

  5. Fragrance: Vanilla essential oil has a sweet, warm aroma that can be used to add a natural fragrance to skincare products. It can be particularly useful for those who are sensitive to synthetic fragrances.

Vanilla essential oil can be incorporated into skincare products such as lotions, creams, and serums.

Here are the potential benefits Organic rose oil for your skin:


  • Hydration: Rose essential oil can help maintain skin's moisture balance, making it useful for dry or dehydrated skin.

  • Anti-inflammatory properties: It may have anti-inflammatory and soothing effects, potentially helping with skin conditions like redness, irritation, and inflammation.

  • Antioxidant properties: Rose oil is rich in antioxidants, which can help protect the skin from free radical damage and signs of premature aging.

  • Anti-aging effects: The oil is believed to promote skin elasticity and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

  • Scar reduction: Some individuals use rose essential oil to minimize the appearance of scars, including acne scars.

  • Aromatherapy benefits: In addition to its skincare benefits, the aroma of rose essential oil is often used for relaxation and stress relief.
