This unique piece of art, titled "Wonderland" and created by artist Michael Hussar in 2009, is a one-of-a-kind drawing that showcases elements of surrealism, urban art, contemporary art, and outsider art. Measuring 5 1/2 inches in length, 8 1/2 inches in height, and 5 inches in width, this medium-sized drawing is handmade with colored pencil, paper and charcoal. The drawing features a whimsical and colorful depiction of Disneyland and circus-inspired imagery, with a touch of psychedelia. It is a signed piece by Michael Hussar himself and comes in a framed format. The drawing is perfect for art enthusiasts and collectors looking for a unique addition to their collection.

I'm the owner of the DV Warehouse and Toy Art Gallery in L.A., I'm downsizing & selling works from my private collection, I have over 1500 art pieces within my collection and I'll be getting more works listed as time permits. If you're in L.A. please stop by our corporate office in Hollywood to check out the collection in person or you can also see my portfolio on the artwork archive site, just search my name Gino Joukar on Google and it should be one of the top results. 

    Michael Hussar was born 1964 in Southern California. He began painting when he was 6 years old, although he had been drawing before that.[1] Influenced by his father who was a casual painter, he would often paint alongside him. He later attended the Art Center in Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California. Trained by painters Richard Bunkall, Dwight Harmon, and Judy Crook; and draftsmen Harry Carmean and Burne Hogarth. Taught Portraiture-Head Painting for almost 10 years at Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, CA and continues to teach portrait painting workshops in the United States and Europe. Michael Hussar is known best for his oil paintings. Taking influences from the work of the old masters, he uses a combination of rococo, baroque and other classical styles combined with contemporary subject matter. Instead of canvas, Hussar prefers to work on gessoed wood panels to create paintings, as opposed to a surface mixing technique.[2] He prefers to work from dark value, to light, focusing on atmosphere before moving to detail. Many of his most well-known pieces, comprise a majority of white works with touches of red. In 2008 Hussar's painting, Hans Memling was featured in the group show In the Land of Retinal Delights: The Juxtapoz Factor that took place at the Laguna Art Museum from June 22 - October 5, 2008. His clients include Kat Von D, Madonna, Warren Beaty, Francis Ford Coppola and Leonardo Di Caprio. Micahael's work can also be found in the Library of Congress in Washington D.C. .