Sanctuary Records Heavy Promo sampler sealed. 7 tracks from Biohazard, Dust to dust, Megadeath, Rollins band, Halford, Corrosion of conformity. 2001

Sanctuary Records Hard Music Sampler. 5 tracks from Dust to dust, Megadeath, Halford, WASP, Corrosion of conformity. Very good condition 2001.

Dimmu Borgir Death Cult Armageddon promo sampler sealed. 5 tracks from 5 different albums. Nuclear Blast records 2003.

Merciful Fate Into the Unknown. Advance CD for promotional use only. 10 tracks in very good condition. Metal Blade Records 1996.

Sacred Reich Heal. Advance CD for promotional use only. 11 tracks in very good condition. Metal Blade Records 1995.

All the CDs are in cardboard sleeves and the previously opened and used ones are in very good condition with some slight handling wear.