Dear retro gaming enthusiasts,

I'm excited to announce that I'm selling my Philips Videopac+ G7400, which is fully functional and ready to bring hours of joy to its next owner.

Included with the Philips Videopac+ G7400 are two controllers in excellent condition, ensuring smooth gameplay sessions. Additionally, this console comes bundled with 5 games: 1, +11, 38, +51, and 49.

The Philips Videopac+ G7400 represents a rare piece of gaming history and is a highly coveted item for collectors. With its unique features and capabilities, this console is a treasure trove for enthusiasts of retro gaming.

The Philips Videopac+ G7400 is a third-generation home video game console released in limited quantities in 1983, and only in Europe; an American release as the Odyssey³ Command Center was planned for the Odyssey series but never occurred. The G7400 was the successor to the Philips Videopac G7000, the European counterpart to the American Magnavox Odyssey². The system featured excellently tailored background and foreground graphics.

The G7400 could play three types of games: all normal G7000 games, special G7000 games with additional high-res background graphics that would appear only when played on the G7400, and G7400-only games with high-res sprites and backgrounds.