LADIES HOME JOURNAL Magazine November 1898 Woman & Turkeys on Thanksgiving cover.

Stories by:
Henry Stanley, Mary Wilkins, Mrs. Herman Kotzschmar, Foster Coates, Floy Campbell, Houston Chamberlain, 
Caroline Mason, Grace Richmond, Annie Alden, Frances Evans, Nora Smith, Blanche Fischer, Frank Guild,
Margaret Bottome, Mrs. S.T. Rorer, Frances Lanigan, Emma Hooper, Isabel Mallon, Emily Bell, Ruth Ashmore

Illustrations by:
Alice Barber Stephens, Frank Small, Clifton Johnson, Harry Finney, C.M. Relyea, Violet Oakley

Ads for:
Ivory Soap, Mellin's Food, Kodak, Quaker Oats, Pillsbury Vitos, R & G Corsets, Knox Gelatine, Mennen's
Van Camp's

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