What is Snoring?

Snoring is more than just a disruptive noise at night. Simple snoring, as it is known, is caused by the partial closure of the upper airway during sleep. The resultant reduction in airflow is what causes the snoring sound, as the soft tissues at the back of the throat vibrate.

Certain factors can increase the likelihood of snoring, such as: weight, age, gender, alcohol, smoking and sleeping position. Middle-aged males are three times more likely to suffer from snoring than their female counterpart.

Ranging from 50-100 decibels, the equivalent of a pneumatic drill, snoring can lead to relationship issues, exhaustion, increased stress and depression. In some cases, though not all, snoring can also be indicative of a condition called Obstructive Sleep Apnoea - a potentially life-threatening condition if left untreated.


Most snoring is caused by a partial obstruction in the throat due to relaxed muscles. Our device helps stop snoring instantly by moving the lower jaw forward to open your airway to improve breathing, allowing air to flow freely without the unhealthy and annoying sound of snoring.

Most of the dental practices are using the similar technique products.

SATISFACTION GUARANTEE: Difiney has helped thousands of people sleep better at night and feel better in the morning; it can help you too!
