Hoya Soligamiana is a Hoya species that produces star-shaped, hot-pink and yellow flowers in globes of 15-20 blooms.

H. Soligamiana likes a good amount of sunlight but not direct, full sun all day. I hang mine close to a window so that they're high up by the ceiling, allowing the vines to hang down and catch some rays.

Hoyas are epiphytes which means they live and grow on other trees. Unlike parasitic plants, epiphytes don't leech nutrients from their host plants but merely use them as a support structure. They require a loose, free-draining substrate such as coconut coir, orchid bark and sphagnum moss to replicate their natural growing media.

Just as with succulents, Hoya only need watering when the soil is dry. The 'drench and drought' is their preferred method.

Comes supplied in a 10.5cm pot.

I can talk plants all day, send me a message if you need any help!