Product information: 
MEPIK 300 SL is a preparation belonging to the group of plant regulators and plant growth, or so-called retardants. It is prepared in the form of a concentrate which can be dissolved in water. It has a systemic effect. Its function is to prevent overgrowth of plants and to promote shortening and strengthening of stems in spring. It can be applied not only in spring on cereals, but also in autumn, including oilseed rape. MEPIK 300 SL contains mepiquat chloride. It is an effective shortening agent for winter wheat, winter triticale and winter oilseed rape, even at low temperatures. It causes an increase in the number of spikelet stalks and the re-growth of cereals, as well as the levelling of the cereal and oilseed rape canopy.

Active substance content: 
Mepiquat chloride (substance of the piperidine group) - 300 g/l (28.76 %)

Application of the product: 
Winter wheat - plant height reduction and reduction of lodging

Maximum dosage for a single application: 1.3 l/ha.

Suggested application rate for a single use: 0.8-1.3 l/ha.

Period during which the product should be applied: from the stalk shooting stage to the stage when the first bones appear (BBCH 30- 49). For a more effective effect, the product should be applied at lower stages, i.e. up to BBCH 39.

Recommended amount of water: 200-300 l/ha.

Recommended spray rate: medium-droplet.

Number of treatments per growing season: 1.

Winter triticale - plant height reduction and reduction of lodging

Max. application rate for a single treatment: 1.0 l/ha

Suggested application rate for a single treatment: 0.8-1.0 l/ha.

Apply: at the stage from shooting to the stage when the first bones appear (BBCH 30- 49).

For best results, it is recommended to apply the product at lower phases, preferably up to BBCH 39.

Recommended water volume: 200-300 l/ha.

Recommended spray rate: medium-droplet.

Do not apply more than: 1.

Winter rape - Plant height reduction

Single application (solo)

Application rate for a single application: 0.6 to a maximum of 0.7 l/ha.

Apply in spring at the stage of growth (elongation) of the main shoot to the stage of visible 5 internodes (BBCH 30-35).

Number of treatments required: 1.

Recommended amount of water: 200-300 l/ha.

Recommended spraying: medium-drip.

Use of the product in a tank mix
In order to control diseases of oilseed rape (dry rot of brassicas, cruciferous black) during application, MEPIK 300 SL is suggested to be combined in a tank mix with Bukat 500 SC /Zizan 500 SC /Ambrossio 500 SC at the dates and doses listed below:

Cultivation season - for single application
Application period: in spring, between the stage of growth of the main shoot and the stage of visible 5 internodes (BBCH 30-35): MEPIK 300 SL 0.6 l/ha + Bukat 500 SC / Zizan 500 SC /Ambrossio 500 SC 0.5 l/ha.
Number of treatments: 1.
Cultivation season - if applied twice

First treatment - in autumn, from leaf stage 2 to leaf stage 8 (BBCH 12-18).
However, best results are obtained when the product is applied between the 4th and 6th leaf stage (BBCH 14- 16):
MEPIK 300 SL 0.5 l/ha + Bukat 500 SC /Zizan 500 SC /Ambrossio 500 SC 0.4 l/ha.

Second treatment - in spring, at the main shoot growth stage, from the beginning of shoot elongation to the stage when 9 or more internodes are visible (BBCH 30-39): MEPIK 300 SL 0.4 l/ha + Bukat 500 SC /Zizan 500 SC /Ambrossio 500 SC 0.5 l/ha.
Number of treatments: 2

Recommended amount of water: 200-300 l/ha.

Recommended spraying: medium-drip.

Precautions, withdrawal periods, comments: 
Period from the last application of the product to the date of harvest of the crop (withdrawal period): not applicable

Only apply the higher of the suggested rates if there is increased susceptibility to lodging.

The plant surface should be completely covered by the spray. For an even better effect, the treatment must be carried out as soon as the correct development stage is reached

When applying MEPIK 300 SL, do not allow:

spray transfer to other, neighbouring crop plantations (e.g. due to strong winds)
overlap of spray at treatment strips and headlands,
If the preparation is used in a tank mix with the fungicide Bukat 500 SC /Venturo 500 SC / Ambrossio 500 SC, to avoid the development of resistance, it is recommended:

the interchangeable use of the fungicide with fungicides that contain active substances from other chemical groups with a different mechanism of action,
not to use a product with the same mode of action in the same year or on the same field.