This unique painting by Jaime "Germs" Zacarias is a striking piece of contemporary art that captures a wide range of styles and themes. Measuring 58 inches in length and 38 inches in width, this large painting is a one-of-a-kind creation that is sure to make a statement in any room. Created using acrylic on board, this painting features a variety of subjects including animals, people, and conflicts and wars. Signed by the artist, this painting showcases a diverse range of artistic styles including expressionism, Mexican art, pop art, surrealism, and more. Whether you're a collector of contemporary art or simply looking for a statement piece for your home, "Germexicannibal" is a must-see.

I'm the owner of the DV Warehouse and Toy Art Gallery in L.A., I'm downsizing & selling works from my private collection, I have over 1500 art pieces within my collection and I'll be getting more works listed as time permits. If you're in L.A. please stop by our corporate office in Hollywood to check out the collection in person or you can also see my portfolio on the artwork archive site, just search my name Gino Joukar on Google and it should be one of the top results. 

For now, greatly appreciate you taking a look at one of my newest listing on eBay, Jaime "Germs" Zacarias is one of my favorite artist and his artworks have been in my collection for over 16 years now, so please help me find a good home for it soon, for now here's more info about its artist:

South Los Angeles native Jaime Zacarias aka GERMS is seemingly infected with an innate ability to channel the spirits of our surrealist predecessors, slapping our eyeballs with his grotesque yet amusing iconography and ameoba like characters while simultaneously referencing post-Chicano culture and imagery. He is known for cleverly stylized Luchador masks given life by their protruding tentacles, surrounded by floating amoebas that playfully flirt with their viewers' imaginations.

Says GERMS, "I find myself mesmerized by the seemingly infinite details and borderline infectious behaviors of each character I create, while striving to transform and challenge the traditional interpretations of the icons we all know so well." The viewer is drawn into a complex layering of cultural references; comfortable and familiar, often times playful and childlike imagery, which may, however, mask the dark and sinister - but which is imbued with an innocent sense of "anything is possible" in the World of GERMS.

GERMS most recent body of work is titled "Fasho," a term which affirms an unspoken agreement between the artist and the viewers of his work to look at the familiar as filtered through the mind of GERMS and see something never before seen."Fasho," also meaning "for sure," is a play on words - giving the artist total freedom to use the space as a playground.