OSRIC Arachnophobia! 2017 Edit Low Levels, RPG NM

"...It's a good one, folks.." Papers-and-Paychecks (2010 edit), review posted at the Knights-n-Knaves Alehouse 

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... for hundreds of years, the monks of Sheargardt Manor at Luci Vale have provided spiritual guidance (in the name of their deity—Caelis) and world-class ales to the folk who live in nearby Luci Village. At the head of the high-mountain valley Luci Keep is tasked with keeping the pass over the high mountains safe fortravelers throughout the year.

However, in recent months, word has come down from the mountains to the port city of Galan that the Abbot Christoph has allowed evil to enter the Manor. And now, a representative of the Caelian order is sent to learn the truth of the matter, and remove Christoph if necessary...

This 2017 edit of Usherwood Publishing's classic, stand-alone adventure, Arachnophobia!, includes newly commisioned artwork by Peter Szmer, 9 NPC's, 21 pre-generated player characters (including 3 PC's using the Revolvers & Wizardry rules), 1 new magic user spell, 3 new magic items, 5 brand new monsters and extensive Overland Encounters tables providing numerous regional opportunities for side trek adventuring.