This offering is for ONE unused unwashed glorious textured barkcloth panel of off the bolt cotton upholstery...drapery and pillow fabric...a DIY creators dream. Lush GLAM ROSES take center stage in the most gorgeous fashion...flowing freely and dramatic as these Hollywood florals have done for us for the past hundreds of years of design and garden inspiration...conjuring up imagery in a artists mind by painting on boards to show to design review boards of textile companies...with every hope their designs would be accepted and printed onto cotton for mass production. The artist who created this number surely had much to be thankful for as they created garden florals that look hand picked and as colorful and realistic as it would in a garden bed or spilling from urns. A soft dove gray ground with deep dark magenta merlot...bubble pink...deep dark teal...minty aqua...Estée Lauder blue greens...creamy banana...creamy and dark charcoal...electric honeydew limes with a fancy darkest chocolate and white accent. Measures 24 inches wide x 76 inches long. This one has the original selvedge signing of makers marks and also has a slight manufacturer flaw in way of a color line that runs one inch only along the selvedge and shouldn't impact any projects...see last two photos. If you love old stock from the 1930's in brand spankin new condition...then you'll go CRAZEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE over this one. Flawless. I have another one also available in another auction without the flaw..

I take returns...but who wants to take a return right? So I do my best to add lots of photos that depict the weight and texture and do so thoughtfully so you are getting the most virtual experience. Please only buy if you know you really want other words...I'm here to have the best selling experience and I can't do that without your help. With that said...of course I will take a return...I'm just hoping more the pricing will WOW YA over wanting to return it :) Here is to a summer of fabulous Florida Finds. :)