Display your cherished memories with this elegant white square photo frame from IKEA's RIBBA collection. With a size of 14 x 14 cm and a box frame depth of 1-3/4\", this can display all your treasures. Made of high-quality wood and crafted with precision, this frame is sure to add a touch of sophistication to your home decor. The design is simple yet stylish, and the material is durable, making it a long-lasting addition to your photo collection.

The frame's model number is Ribba 800.780.33 and it is manufactured in China. The frame is also customizable, with the option to personalize it according to your liking. This photo frame is perfect for all occasions and is a must-have for anyone who wants to display their memories in style.

The frame is new in packaging with original hardware. The packaging condition is shown in the photos.