

Complete Training Course


( MP3 & Files )
( no physical books)

The Complete Hebrew Language Course

This is the most comprehensive Hebrew language course available on eBay today

Consisting of Manuals & Hours of quality MP3 audio lessons!

This fabulous Hebrew language course is ideal for anyone looking to learn, whether you’re a student at school looking for some extra help on the side to boost your grades, or even someone looking to learn the language for travel or business reasons – or even for pleasure!

Other popular language programs (including Rosetta Stone and Pimsleur) rely heavily on the methods pioneered in this exclusive course. The program is designed to help students reach a level of proficiency which will enable them to participate effectively in both formal and informal conversations.

Not only will this save you money but it also means you can save the files to your laptop or PC then transfer them to your MP3 player, car radio, etc... LEARN ON THE MOVE!

Perfect for the beginner all the way through to advanced level. Ideal for both students and teachers alike.


Course Contents

This course on USB contains the following material in and MP3 formats:

Hebrew Basic Language Course
Course Manual, 40 Lessons, 585 pages (Adobe Format)
Unit 1: Greetings
Unit 2: Introductions
Unit 3: Introductions
Unit 4: Housing Arrangements
Unit 5: Speaking Hebrew
Unit 6: Asking Directions
Unit 7: Wandering through Tel Aviv
Unit 8: Wandering through Tel Aviv
Unit 9: Wandering through Tel Aviv
Unit 10: Wandering through Tel Aviv
Unit 11: Dinner Invitation
Unit 12: Friday Evening Dinner
Unit 13: Friday Evening Dinner
Unit 14: At the Grocery Store
Unit 15: At a Coffee House
Unit 16: Conversation in the Coffee House
Unit 17: At the Post Office
Unit 18: Telling Time
Unit 19: Calling Long Distance
Unit 20: Hot Weather
Unit 21: Going to the Theater
Unit 22: At the Box Office
Unit 23: Before the Play
Unit 24: Discussing the Show
Unit 25: Leaving the Cafe
Unit 26: Military Service
Unit 27: At the Barbershop
Unit 28: At the Cleaner's
Unit 29: At the Shoemaker's
Unit 30: Aches and Pains
Unit 31: Friends Meet at an Office
Unit 32: Friends Meet at an Office
Unit 33: Friends Meet at an Office
Unit 34: Friends Meet at an Office
Unit 35: Getting Up in the Morning
Unit 36: Getting up in the Morning
Unit 37: Getting Up in the Morning
Unit 38: Purim Parade
Unit 39: Buying Clothes
Unit 40: Going to the Irrigation Project
Companion Audio, 22+ hours (MP3 Format)

Why learn a language?


Even a little knowledge of the language can make a difference

in attitude when you meet people from other countries.

Speaking another language helps to break down barriers.

Work and business

It can help you give an added advantage in your career if you work

for an international firm or a company with international customers or contacts.

Music, film, arts and culture

If you like literature, films or music from other countries, learning the language

will help your appreciation and understanding.

How to learn a language

There's no single universal foolproof method to learn a language.

Try different ones and use the one that works for you, or a combination.

Little and often is best.

Ten minutes every day tends to be more effective and

manageable than a longer session once a week.

Mistakes are part of the learning process.

Have a go and you'll learn much more quickly most native speakers will already appreciate you making an effort.

Listen to language learnings during idle times


Write words on post-it notes and stick them around the house.

Repeat activities to consolidate what you've learned.

Visit to a place where you can use the language you're learning

if anything, it will keep you motivated.

Go back every now and again to something you did early on.

You may be surprised at how much you've learned.


The pictures you see in this auction were taken from this USB

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Please note:

we use unbranded generic USB 2.0 Flash Drives

Our USB flash drives are formatted so they can run on any Apple or Windows PC

The USB flash drive Color vary and you might get different Color than the one in

 the picture


Returns & Exchange Policy

Due to the nature of the item being a USB and it can be copied, there is no return on this item, but if the item is faulty please contact US via eBay's messaging service for the returns address. The item must be returned within 14 days and once received, a replacement will be shipped to you. We suggest returning items via trackable delivery service.

The Content of this USB has been collected and compiled by US. Reproduction and sale of this USB is STRICTLY PROHIBITED!