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                                     Specialist on Website Design & Graphic Design

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Vintage "RED LOBSTER" Rotary Telephone .

1938 - 1940 . USA Northern Electric MFg . Co. Gallon USA .

Very Old and Very Rare to Find .

Collectible . Vintage . Restored . Rebuilt . Sanitized . Cleaned . Polished .

Unique . USA . Bakelite and Metal Model . Rotary Dial . 

A Very Beautiful Old Metal and Bakelite Telephone made in USA . "SUPERB" .

Collectible . Restored in Great Shape for the age . Bakelite # 1950 - 040M608 038 .


I spend lot of time to cleaning this old telephone . Sanitized . Polished, etc. This take $$$

and lot of time and effort. YES. Still Not Perfect (old) .   UNIQUE PIECE  For Collector 

or Artistic Display in a Showroom . Cosmetically this telephone Look  GREAT, 

Note: Just Beautiful having this Telephone in your House ? Exclusive . 

I do not have anymore a main line to test the phone, Anyway, Ask your electrician to fix

this phone to make this phone work for you. Overall? BEAUTIFUL .

Originally, I made this phone for Artistic purpose DISPLAY.

Condition USED . Collectible . Vintage .  

International Available .