Tiger Drums

Drum Kit Instruments

DVD Instrument Datapack

choose your format at the top of the listing

EXS24 format

32 Full Drum kits in Exs24 format for Windows 98/XP / Vista & Mac OSX OS9 - compatible with
Live sampler / GIGA / Halion / Motu MACHFIVE / Logic EXS24 & EXSP24 / NI Kontakt & Kompakt / EMU EmulatorX & ProteusX Software

DVD Compatible with any software sampler that will read Emagic EXS24 format files: Runs on PC Windows98/XP / Vista & Apple Macintosh OS9 & OSX Platforms.
Compatibility with: Live sampler / Logic Audio 4 upwards Logic Pro & Logic Express / emagic EXSP24 / Native Instruments / Halion / MOTU MACHFIVE / EMU EmulatorX & ProteusX.

requirements: an internal or external DVD-ROM / RW combi / SuperDrive or DVD Rom reader is required for data access.

Reason Refill

32 kits in NN-XT reason refill format > Windows98/XP / Vista and above - Mac OSX / OS9
DVD Refill: Compatible with propellerheads Reason 2 / 2.5 & 3 upwards / Apple Mac OSX OS9 / Windows98/XP / Vista 
Mac & PC: requires an internal or external DVD reader for data accessView: sellers other Items, for more emagic Logic EXS24 / Reason Refill & GarageBand soundsets.
View our EXS24 versions for Compatibility with emagic EXSP24 / Live Sampler / Kontakt / Halion / Motu MACHFIVE / EMU EmulatorX & ProteusX software

Garageband expansion

for apple GarageBand 1 / 2 / 3 & above on DVD - Mac OSX

requirements: an internal or external DVD-ROM / RW combi / SuperDrive or DVD Rom reader is required for data access.

Picture shows some of our other Items

Note: our items are not apple or propellerhead made products they are made by us to be used with apple's GarageBand software 

Tiger Drums -

Have You always wanted a Room filled with your favorite Drum Kits?
Well now you can Have that Room, Living inside your computer

Some Feedback Highlights
Great disk. Lovely sounds. Fast delivery and packaged professionally.
Once again, one of the best soundbanks i've ever heard, used & owned
Superb quality sound library, best i've bought on Ebay Yet
The Real Deal! I'll be back! Cheers

Drum Kits at your FingerTips.
Inspirational Drum Kit Instruments for GarageBand.
Vintage and Modern Drum Kits Instruments .
all style musical applications, including composing for Film, DV-Video
TV & Radio Advertising, Rock, Pop, Trip Hop, Hip Hop, Drum & Bass, Big Beat.

Tiger is our first High Quality stereo Drum Kit Soundset.
Tiger Drums gives you access to an array of Vintage & Modern Drum Kits.
Tiger helps you create the Backbone Rhythm section to your musical projects.
using Tiger Drums you will also be able to construct your own personalized
loops and beds. You no longer have to rely on someone else's interpretations.

Because Modern sampler technology allows you to load multiple Kit Instances of
different Drum Kit sets, you can now Mix together Multiple Drum Kits with ease.
Tiger Drums can be programmed from inside your Digital Audio application
or played from Midi Keyboards, Drum/Percussion Pads or any Note-on Midi Device.
Tiger Drums is not a loop set, instead, the Kits are accessed as GarageBand Instruments.

Tigers design is not led by the desire for a purists history of sampled Drum Kits.
These kits are purely for inspiring the playing and performing of ideas, new or old.
Add some bright Ambience then get on the Pitch Bend wheel for that Big Advert FILL.


The Kits are built from 16 - 84 note kits which have then been duplicated
to create a secondary set of 16 gate time sensitive expression kits.
Each Kit assigns 55 Notes to Drum Kits and 29 Notes to percussion.

The XGate Kits are a type of advanced Drum Kit capable of extremely
intricate and precise control. To put it simply, the XGate Kit sounds can
quickly choke or stop when the key is released. This choking effect can usually
only be achieved in the real world by the player using one hand to stop the
Instrument vibrating or sounding. By loading the XGate sets you will be able to attain
a level of expression in your performances that is normally unattainable,
and what's more - you can do it all "LIVE"

 Full printed case cover and disk
 More than 4,000 individual samples contained on the Disk 
 32 Top Class Drum Kit Instruments.

EXS24 format

 16 standard and 16 XGate Sensitive Kits
 Total of 32 - 84 note Kits, each Kit utilizes 4 layer Stereo Multysamples.
 Precise start point editing for enhanced feel and high Dynamic Response
 excellent spatial perspective and post programming that lets your Music Breath
 Typically: between five to eight times more processor efficient than modelled pluggin instruments.
• for Live sampler / Emulator & Proteus X / MACHFIVE / 
Kontakt / Kompakt / Halion 1,2 & 3 / emagic Exs24 or ExsP24 MKI + MKII

Reason Refill 

 16 standard and 16 XGate Sensitive Kits
 Total of 32 - 84 note Kits, each Kit utilizes 4 layer Stereo Multysamples.
 PMore than 4,000 individual samples contained on the DVD Refill 
 32 Top Class Drum Kit Instruments in Reason NN-XT Format.
 Typically: between five to eight times more processor efficient than 
modelled pluggin instruments.

Garageband expansion  (Similar to apple JamPack)

Instrument (only) GarageBand extension Pack
Direct Play from any USB/Midi Keyboard
Direct Play from GarageBand Midi/Instrument Tracks
The sounds Respond to Velocity sensitivity / Volume and Pan

Overall Features:

16 standard and 16 Gate Sensitive Kits
Total of 32 - 84 note Kits, each Kit utilizes 4 layer Stereo Multysamples.
Precise start point editing for enhanced feel and high Dynamic Response
excellent spatial perspective and post programming that lets your Music Breath
Typically: between five to eight times more processor efficient
than modelled pluggin instruments.

Availability and Terms :
In accordance with our single user license, outlined at the bottom of this page
. These sounds may not be purchased or sold Second Hand. copying or reselling is prohibited
. as such, our soundsets may (only) be legally procured via sonal-instruments and in a
. new and unused state. We would be grateful if you could let us know about any seller
. ( other than sunsignone ) that are selling our sound sets as this would be a breach of Terms.
. The Quality and legitimacy of Your purchase is Important to us and so is for your own protection.
. Educators: need to purchase one copy per computer.

Tiger Drums:   Drum Kit Instruments.

If you are still unsure as to the quality of our items, then read our sellers feedback Now.
we have made this premium soundset available for those musicians who require
professional quality as regard their recordings and musical composition.
even if not a GarageBand user yourself, then these sounds could make a Great Gift for anyone who is.
so what can I say " If you want the Best then place a Bid "

payment Methods: requires paypal.

Please feel free to bid on any of our auctions, whichever country you happen to reside in.



Winning bidder information :

If you win, you will receive an ( auto email ) containing more detailed information
outlining all of the payment Methods you can use. . Happy Bidding.

Many purchasers of sample Media are not clear as to
the terms associated with a single user license.
We have laid out some of these terms below as a guide.

copyright of this product is owned by efexmedia.
Any unauthorized copying,lending,or resale of this Item is prohibited.
Use of Images Text and Logos without permission is also prohibited.
By purchasing this item the buyer enters into a single user license agreement.
The purchaser owns the physical media on which the Intellectual property is contained.
The purchaser does (not) own the intellectual property contained on this disc.
They are licensed to use these sounds (in) their own musical recordings.
These Terms are not unique to sunsignone, they in fact,
apply to all commercially released Sample Disks, and in this sense are
no different to the terms associated with any commercial sample cd/dvd release available today.

We have made this premium soundset available for musicians who require
professional quality as regard their recordings and musical compositions.
Any prospective copying or reselling is expressly prohibited.
pdf contained on the disk as to these terms.

Educators Note:
If you are Intending using this Title In an educational context,
you will need to purchase one copy per computer.

copyright efexmedia 2012

apple , iLife '04 , iPod, GarageBand, emagic, exs24 and Logic are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. registered in the U.S. and other countries.
Reason, Refill, Rex, RX2, NN-XT, Recycle, are trademarks of Propellerheads Software. registered in the U.S. and other countries.
Motu Machfive / steinberg Halion & cubase / Native Instruments Kontakt & Kompakt / Digidesign Protools / Sonar / ableton Live & Live sampler
are trademarks of their respective companies and as such are registered in the U.S. and in other countries.