This collection of teachings is the most essential set of translations available on the special yogic tradition of Tibetan Buddhism known as the Drukpa Kagyu lineage. The tantric Buddhist system of the Drukpa emphasizes the Kagyu teachings and practices of the Six Yogas of Naropa and Mahamudra. This lineage is famous for producing some of the greatest Tibetan yogis that have ever lived. The line of Drukpa masters, stemming from the Indian siddha Tilopa, has been continuously transmitted through to some of the most renowned Tibetan yogis of the twentieth century including Tokden Sakya Shri, the eighth Khamtrul Dongyu Nyima, and Adeu Rinpoche. These yogis, after spending many years in mountain retreats, are said to have displayed miraculous signs of spiritual accomplishment that have inspired generations of Buddhist practitioners. This work is the representative source for the core instructions and songs of realization coming from the major Drukpa Kagyu masters, including its founder Tsangpa Gyare (1162-1211). This collection is presented chronologically and includes advice and poems by many famous Tibetan teachers including Gampopa, Drukpa Kunleg, Pema Karpo, and the Third Khamtrul Kunga Tenzin. These instructions outline for the reader the view and practices associated with the Mahamudra tradition. This tradition offers techniques for resting in the naturally pure and luminous state of our minds through stabilizing the meditative experiences of bliss, clarity, and nonthought, giving the practitioner the tools needed to become liberated from suffering.