This rare, 175 page, American Meteorological Society (A.M.S.), Symposium textbook, from January, 11-16th, 1998, is a valuable resource for anyone interested in Tropical Cyclone Intensity Change. This book provides a technical and in-depth analysis of Tropical Cyclone Intensity Change, through multiple authors of numerous articles. It is published in the English language and is in paperback format. 
  Book is published in 1998 for the 75th annual meeting of the Symposium held in Phoenix, Arizona.

  One of the interesting features of this book is the front cover image "The Eye of Hurricane Emilia in Stereo" taken by the Astronauts on the Space Shuttle Columbia, STS 65.  Included are a a pair of paper Green/Red anaglyph glasses to obtain the stereo affect.
 There are instructions on achieving maximum parallax by aligning the glasses with the shuttle's path. 
 There are over 40 Articles included for example: 
 "What I've always wanted to know, but have been afraid to ask, about tropical cyclone intensity", by Stephen J. Lord
"Vortex Intensification by Convectively Forced Vortex Rossby Waves", by Michael T. Montgomery.
 "Some Characteristics of Tropical Cyclone Intensification as revealed by Hourly Digital Dvorak Analysis", by Mark A. Lander,
 and "Hurricane Opal- An Observational and Modelling Study by Joseph L. Eastman.

  There are many more articles in this information laden book.  
  We carefully zip bag and box books.
  Thanks for looking & God bless!!!