Choose from 13 blends. A description of each of the blends is listed below.

You are purchasing 3 boxes of the same blend. 

Miami Balanced and Silky (18 Servings)

New York Bold and Full-bodied (18 Servings)

Ristretto Ardenza (16 Pods - 16 Servings)

Espresso Napoli (16 Pods - 16 Servings)

Espresso Roma (16 Pods - 16 Servings)

Espresso Milano  (16 Pods - 16 Servings)

Espresso Palermo  (16 Pods - 16 Servings)

Grande  (16 Pods - 16 Servings)

Flat White  (16 Pods - 16 Servings)

CAPPUCCINO (8 pods = 8 servings)
Cappuccino is Italian for hood. The foam on a cappuccino retains the heat of the coffee below – just like a hood!

LUNGO (16 pods = 16 servings)
Literally a 'long coffee', Lungo is a 'stretched' espresso. Instead of making a shot, enough hot water to fill a regular coffee cup (but not a mug) is passed through the roast and ground coffee. The result: a rich and smooth coffee that you can take your time over.

LATTE MACCHIATO (8 pods = 8 servings)
Effectively an upside-down Caffè Latte, the 'latte macchiato' literally means 'stained milk'! When you’ve filled your latte glass with hot, frothy milk, add a cheeky shot of espresso and you’ll soon see the ‘macchia’.

CAFE AU LAIT (16 pods = 16 servings)
Cafe au Lait is a French term which means "coffee on milk." It is made with strong fresh coffee and hot milk. Cafe au Lait should be be confused with a latte, a drink made with espresso, not strong coffee.