Advion Cockroach Gel 1 X 30g Cockroach Killer Professional Use.

AdvionĀ®Cockroach Gel bait combines a highly attractive, proprietary gel formulation with indoxacarb, a unique, non-repellent active ingredient that is bio-activated by the cockroaches. It is a high-performing bait targeting all prevailing pest species of cockroaches including German (also gel bait-averse), Oriental, American, Australian, Brown, Smoky brown, Brown banded and Asian. Cockroaches cannot resist this superior combination and even the toughest populations are quickly controlled.

Key Features

High-consumption bait

Contains indoxacarb (Oxadiazines class of chemistry)

Bio-activation of the active ingredient by the insect enzymes

Controls all prevailing cockroach species

Favourable environmental profile

Indoor/outdoor use

Commercial, residential and industrial sites, including food-handling

Key Benefits

Innovative and targeted cockroach control

Thorough cockroach infestation control

Timely and comprehensive control of all key cockroach species

Targets include gel bait-averse cockroaches

High-performing bait matrix