This product is a vintage hardcover cookbook series with assorted titles from various celebrity chefs. The books are in English and feature illustrations. The intended audience includes young adults, ages 9-12, and adults. The books are sold individually for $20.00 each, and the buyer can choose which titles they want. The books cover a range of cooking topics and are part of the cooking book series.

#1-1969 The Fine Art Of Fondue Gourmet International,
#2-1978 Weight Watchers New Program CookBook,  
#3-1980 Amana Radarange Microwave Oven CookBook,

#4-1978 Time To Entertain CookBook By Charlotte Tu,
#5-1985 Fit For Life Harvey and Marilyn Diamond,
#6-1959 The General Foods Kitchen CookBook,
#7-1992 Outside Entertaining- Collins