Complete & Unabridged

Duration - 32 Hours 

Format - MP3 CDS

Read by - Sandra Burr

Ayla and Jondalar leave the safety of the lands of the Mammoth Hunters and embark on a seemingly impossible journey across an entire continent. Their goal is the Cro-Magnon settlement in what is now southern France where Jondalar lived as a young man. Accompanied by the half-tame Wolf, the superb stallion, Racer, and the mare, Whinney, they brave both savage enemies and the elemental dangers of weather and terrain in their search for the place that will become Home.

Jean Auel's imaginative reconstruction of pre-historic life, rich in detail of language, culture, myth and ritual, has become a set text in schools and colleges around the world.


* Please note that I may use standard stock photos of audiobook which may differ from that on the actual item you receive.


Refund Policy

If you have any issues please contact us via eBay messages with 'Other' chosen as the reference.  Please do NOT choose any other option unless you are actually wanting to open a dispute via eBay.

1.  If item is faulty or damaged - replacement disc sent at our expense  No return necessary

2.  Item not as described - Full refund on return of item.  Seller to pay return postage if the complaint is valid and genuine.

3.  Item not received - Replacement sent at our expense if not received 7 days after estimated arrival day. 

4.  Buyer changed their mind - Half refund, buyer to return item at buyers expense

5.  Buyer bought in error - 

     a) Already have that title - Exchange accepted, buyer to pay return postage

     b) MP3 format issues - Item can be exchanged for the standard CD version if we have it in stock.

         - Buyer to pay for return postage together with any price difference between versions.
         - If not held in stock, see item 4b

     b) Thought is was a book not an audiobook - No refund, no exchange.  
          All our items have [ Audiobook ] in the title and the listing clearly defines it as an MP3 CD