This Graflex XL Carl Zeiss Planar 80mm f2.8 Lens is a 6 element lens designed to have a flat field.

 It is in a Graflex XL mount which will fit Graflex XL cameras, both the rangefinder as well as the standard model without a rangefinder. 

The diaphragm (f stops) move freely and there is no visible oil on the blades and none on the leaf shutter. 

The Synchro-Compur shutter has T, B, and 1 through 1/400th speeds. The one second speed's timer is steady but sounds like about 2 seconds; the half second speed sounds like one second, and the rest of the speeds sound progressively faster. 

The 1/400thsecond takes more effort to cock, exactly like my other 80mm Zeiss Planar. I see no fungus. There is some dust on the interior elements like most older lenses. Filter threads are undamaged. Markings are clear and it looks like it has careful use.

Made in Germany.