Nelson Eddy Autographed Photo 3 x 6,  sent to fan (my Mom) 1944

My late mother was star crazy in her tweens and teens, and collected autographed photos and other movie and music memorabilia.

I am clearing out her home and going through her collections, and will be listing some over the next few months.

Nelson Eddy, pictured here, was born in 1901. He was a singer and actor whose main movie fame came in the musical films he made with Jeannette MacDonald. He was a classically trained opera singer, making more than 200 singing recordings, and has 3 stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Eddy collapsed on stage in 1967 and died in at the age of 65.

This autographed photo,  measuring 3.25 x 6 inches, is hand signed in blue ink across the bottom. 

Photo has some yellowing. Ink has faded to a light blue.

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