An eclectic arrangement of whimsical florals, batik-inspired stripes and refined prints, the Teagan Collection features Ralph Lauren's signature pattern play in vibrant tones. Crafted from naturally soft materials like cotton twill and pure linen, the Teagan collection is realized in an earthy palette punctuated with rich jewel tones and enhanced with textural throw pillows and fringe blankets.

92" x 96" Retails 400.00

Defect is in the inner side of the duvet- see photos - if more details are needed, please ask- the item should also be washed as it was out of the package for inspection.

Note: photo 8 is the interior side where the buttons are located- the part that would face the mattress and lower part/ feet is bed.

Photo 10 is the exterior- part that would be exposed to the ceiling. This is less than a 1” defect/ damage to the item.

It appears to be bad stitching that may have made a less than 1” hole and is restitched.